"Stack Domination" is a singleplayer Boom compatible map. Preface: It was the biggest scandal of the year; the UAC, Union Aerospace Corporation, ...
A speedmap I made for a speedmapping project, which I subsequently decided to instead release stand-alone. Original version of the map was made i...
Really big, really detailed level for Doom 2. The Axix is a tech base built by UAC for research and development. Unfortunately, it seems that som...
A megawad of vanilla maps, each made in 200 minutes. https://archive.foolz.us/vr/thread/1614552/#1620243
My follow up to The Beginning of the end. Lots of new stuff here. All these levels have an original feel to them. You will enjoy playing these wa...
Tiny Boom (-complevel 9) speedmap that I made while helping a friend get into mapping after the last Joy of Mapping (3) session. We mapped for 3 ...
A feast for the eyes of those who thirst for blood. Indulge yourself with nine classically designed levels of fine architecture with fast and fur...
In response to it's wildly ignored predecessor, MAYhem 2013 is a collection of maps all made in the month of May. This time we were given the lim...
In short: Having recently rediscovered how great Doom 2 DM still is I've decided to remake some of my ooold Doom 2 maps from 1995/1996 for the fu...
The sequel to New Nightmare. It's a dark level set in a bunch of different types of areas.
Junked map from third installation of "oskyrt". Hell/Void stuff this time...
This wad was originally created for an ancient project called the 9th Gate. It has been about 5 years in the making and I finished this level lik...
Sacrifice is a level that involves making a choice: either lose the last secret and take the normal exit and miss some enemies or take the last s...
Basically a large base type level. This level is HUGE (But not insanely hard) You find yourself in a secondary military base, some distance from ...
This is the demo map for Dark Plutonia.
Another episode 2 map replacement and so far the most challenging so far. Abyssus means "bottomless pit" in Latin. Try and find all 9 secrets if ...
I made a wad for fun, inspired from Ksutra.wad and some 1-level wads from memfis.
An episode replacement for E1 of Ultimate Doom. The story is included in Story.html
Impure Offering is a single player map for the Doom 2 IWAD in -complevel 9 that plays in the map 20 slot and requires cc4-tex.wad. The original i...
A set of 32 carefully collected WADfiles for your entertainment. (What else?)
32 new limit-removing maps created by one author (and 5 guest mappers). Gameplay-oriented. See urinfo.txt for more info.
32 Deathmatch levels of different themes for Boom Compatible ports with original music. Each level features 8 DM starts (except for MAP07), all w...
3 action packed levels of varying size. Few puzzles. Built after playing (and loving every second of) Alien Vendetta. Difficulty is intentionally...