Small level, it was the start of a single player 11 level episode but it turns out that it's an awesome DM map.
The WAD version of the masterpiece created by Peter Chimaera, You are Jonh Stalvern, a man whose dreams went against his father beliefs, years la...
Converted main2d2.wad to use GZDoom features like 3D floor, mirror, and fog. A simple house wad.<br><br> MAP01 -- "Move IT" OGG music in gzmain41...
You wake up in a small room with no recollection of how you got there. You see a dead demon on the floor and notice that your knuckles are bloody...
tech-base with a varied theming, mid-sized, generally nonlinear, less puzzle-like
The 2004 edition of the Tlsdm series
A Pre-lude to The Ultimate Doom
This is my first publicly released levels.
The idea came up, when I thought about a new map for Nutty - a map, where players look like barrels. It must be interesting and funny, if players...
A UAC research facility has gone silent. See notes below for extra information.
Saturn, failed experiment, Hell! v. 1.4
some strange people just moved into your town. they've been performing sacrifices on animals (cute ones at that!), human-torture and other horren...
Finally, you are accepted in your dream work, studying the possibilities of hyper-space sex, but something changes, your arrival is abrupt quickl...
A simple Boom wad. It's my first released work here, and even my first work with Boom. It has only 11 Maps, cause I don't have much time to make ...
For 2016, I really want to better my mapping abilities and put out some good stuff. Two friends, Mystical and Gardevoir, said that a good experim...
This .WAD was to be a DeathMatch level, at the beginning. But it came to nothing, because it was too big to be a DeathMatch map and there were so...
It's zort 5. Jumping can only help you. Also there's a few short-cuts of sorts that will help you. For an extra challenge try to get 100/100/100 ...
A creeped out sewage plant where all hell has broken loose(cliche) note: This is also my first publicly released wad Play with gzdoom+"lights.wad...
Hello Kitty has created a nazi fortress and is harvesting nuke extract to produce a bomb to destroy the world.
A E3M6 themed ZDoom compatible level for Doom 2. The playing area is limited to a square of 1024x1024 units. This is my first completed level for...
An large tech style base with an high ammount of detail, it uses several Zdoom features. Overall an pretty good looking map, much time went into ...
This was a livestreamed communal mapping session that took place on August 27th, 2016, with participants mapping under the strict guidance of Jim...
This is the final map of the research station series. The map is just one huge battlefield where you take down a series of monsters.