The products of Doomworld's 24th speedmapping session, started by Solarn. The session was held over five weekdays from May 24 to May 28. The them...
This is a compilation of the WADs entered in : Doomworld's fifth speedmapping exercise. : Participants were given 100 minutes to create a : Doom ...
The first six levels of the Mordeth TC, with lots of new monsters and great playability! Please refer to the Mordeth Home Page for extensive info...
Everybody knows that most maps from 1994 are pretty terrible, but what if we took maps from the archive that permit modification and then redetai...
I like the kind of non-linear levels where you have a large open space with various structures scattered around - like Mt.Erebus in Doom and Subu...
Pwad for Boom compatible Ports!
Brick and metal, very bloody :) Zdoom Only..
A single player map for Doom2, I was bored so I threw this together, took me one night. THIS LEVEL REQUIRES GOTHICTX.WAD
A hard level for hard core players, this level is good for both deathmatch and co-op,(is best for single of co-op).
30-level awesome D-match
A small and extremely fast-paced 1on1 arena with a few tricks up its sleeve.
A tune-up-like project
Another Doom2 Deathmatch floor. I hate long intros. I like to kill people in doom2 and thats what I designed this floor for.
This is my first map! Criticism strongly desired.
This is my first completed level, but it's about 10x the size of anything I ever made :o (and has a beginning and an end :) It just kept growing ...
This is a 1 map replacement for MAP14 of Final Doom: TNT Evilution. This map is intended to be like a 90's level (with weird scenarios, toilets, ...
Consider this a tribute to the original Doom's E2M2. I always liked that level for some unexplainable reason, and thus felt it neccessary to emul...
This map is one of the many parts of the Secret Santa Imitation Project, led by Brian "Snakes" Knox. It was meant to imitate the style of Chris "...
Acutally this is my second map, as the first one has been never released, becuasue I've lost it and, well, it was made in 1996 by means of DEU 2....
32 wads that r wanted me to include in my next mega.
The Yeoman Engineers and Designers of Software (YEDS) are proud to present the YEDS Free-For-All Theater. With its comfortable leather seats and ...
A deathmatch level based on some houses on my street. In one of the basements is Stargate Command from the Sci-fi show "SG-1".
After the release of Boom, I decided to test : out some of the new features of it. This : is a remake HOD30.WAD I did before with : some Boom imp...