Some idiot turned up at your door and offered you your own seaside cottage, of course you accepted like the idiot you are, and the guy teleported...
A semi-realistic post-apocalyptic non-linear remake of
After sacrificing your soul to the depths of Hell, you wake up in a pool of blood and walk into a gateway. You find yourself in the depths of hel...
So there was Doom. And there were roguelikes. Then there was Doom: the Roguelike. And now, the iconic special levels unique to DoomRL have their ...
Part Thirteen. Installation B is another tech-base map in the World's End series, it has taken a millenia to finish due to lack of motivation and...
two old level for zdoom gzdoom
A small level that functions as an experiment for storytelling
A UAC mining and research base on a distant planet has gone silent. Secret experiments are rumored to be happening there, some suggesting a psych...
In this WAD you play as a soldier whose goal is to make it to hell and stop the demonic invasion by closing the portal to hell.
This map is provided only for single play. This map can be played without jumps, cross and mouse look. There are 6 keys to use (for example red k...
A 5 level (+1 secret level) mapset for DooM II. It is a reimagining of the Hell on Earth storyline. The maps were made to emulate the feel of E4 ...
You just escaped from a hellish monstrosity on the helipad of this large skyscraper. The elevator broke on its way down, and it looks like this f...
The archive contains the maps, sent on competition which was held in on July, 7-24th, 2010. The idea of competition was that the map, cr...
This is based on the Catacombs level in Painkiller, featuring fast pace action and ACS scripting.
An obvious sequel to Demons of Problematique. No cutscenes (aside from the ending), no new weapons, no new monsters, just Doom. With some fancy e...
This is what I assume every DoomWorld /idgames reviewer is like. I'm looking specifically at Doominer991 and Bloodshedder.
30 maps made in under TWO hours. Some slightly bigger maps than its predecessor, and some wacky new ideas. I also used some CC4 textures to spruc...
Short map, strange places in water dimension.
Discovering the Hell: The Invasion (DTHTI) is a 8
It is a rather small map, my first one, that i made to test my skills and familiarize with the GZDoom builder. I always wanted something steampun...
A UAC base gone haywire. You will fight in Hell eventually. A few base levels are distorted by the influence of Hell.
Original idea was to create a 4-level megawad containing levels of absolutely different styles (medieval, hi-tech, hell, etc.). For numerous reas...
I have been developing an experimental Doom Wad. It has two classes to choose, both with weaknesses and strengths. You and your sister are in the...