Medium/large non-linear map, quite hard (not too much for veterans), designed in 2 months + various days/weeks of post release tweaking
This is a conversion of the excellent Total Convesion for Doom by Edmundo Bordeau named Zanzan, where you play an immortal (not anymore) ruler of...
DuduKrazy's Guns III is the third installment on the DuduCrazy's Guns weapon mod series.(fourth if you count DuduCrazy's Guns SE) The mod is heav...
You are in the Overlord's palace, trapped! You tried to find a way out without starting something, but there was no luck. Now, you must defeat th...
Previously on Aftershock: "UAC Report log #5: Got a distress signal, something about demons. Facility was lost, so much hellspawn everywhere! Got...
An 'interesting' wad which (unintentionally) shows off the learning curve I've been through in the last 4 years. It's got a very loose story cent...
Black Magnetic is one new level for DooM II with new monsters, textures and weapons.
Work with a friend in class of math.
Peanut Butter Cake Massacre is another sequel to Oreo Cake Massacre. This one has a lot of white, tan, and brown. Peanut butter is golden brown b...
"Realm of Cheogsh" (unofficially a.k.a as "Cheogsh 3") is the final part of "Cheogsh" series. The wad consists of 3 large levels united in a hub....
Before I say a thing, this is a jokewad for ZDoom (YAY JUST WHAT WE NEED MORE OF!) so if you do not want to play some of the worst maps available...
Sexy new WAD for DOOM II
This is an updated version of Bad Guns 2 mod. The main difference is that this mod is COMPATIBLE with Beautiful Doom 5, but doesn't require it to...
A short map I made in about 5 days. Inspired by Agent Spork's Simplicity.
Sequal to the first [SA] Duel wad
An early birthday wad for Sodaholic's 19th birthday.
A hell/marble themed map. Has a couple of sounds from Heretic and a song from Unreal to give the map some ambiance. It doesn't have the best deta...
This map was made for a closed group project that was abandoned. I didn't want the map to go to waste so I decided to release it stand-alone. It ...
Disrepair is a 9 (10 counting secret) map episode that makes use of G/ZDoom enhancements, including, but not limited to, DECORATE monsters, 3D Fl...
A simple map for doom i made because I was bored,it's kinda good so i uploaded it fairly simple details and very short.
My first map, like, ever, this is where I learned pretty much everything. I finally decided to release this because I figured, why deprive you al...
The people criticized the first entry in the series for reasons I could not comprehend. Perhaps they didn't get the message. So I took the libert...