This is my first E1 attempt it's old map like my previous 1024 maps
9 maps made during the first session, some by first-time mappers. There were two theme options: "Fireblu" and "Tower Ruins".
17 small maps made from memory, based on areas from TeamTNT's Eternal Doom 3. Some stuff is intentionally different, while other stuff is an erro...
Harmata said it best: "I could've picked random wads from idgames and then combine them in a megawad and it would be exactly the same thing as th...
Under water on an alien world...lots of ZDoom tricks
A tune-up community project led, compiled and with new graphics by joe-ilya. Each map is a tune-up of joe-ilya's earlier works such as "lost maps...
Many months after earth was invaded, humans are starting to win. By taking out their supply routes and many strategic loacations, the forces of h...
This map was made for First-Try Demo Contest # 10 on Russian Doom Community and Doomworld.
I was tired of the constricting environments that Counter-Strike level design (Half-Life level design) has, so I decided to make a map for Doom u...
A somewhat difficult DOOM 2 map playable with any limit-removing engine. This map was originally meant as a remake of MAP21 of Doom 2 ("Nirvana")...
This is a compilation of the WADs entered in SargeBaldy's seventh speedmapping exercise. Participants were given 100 minutes to create a Doom 2 l...
A simple 1 map wad intended for 1 v 1 Battles, preferably on Skulltag. Can run on any source port because its built off the Boom mapping Config. ...
My second map ever made which is a sequel to my "UAC Doom" map. Tried my best to make some areas more detailed than others. :-)
16 deathmatch maps made during 2005-2006 for playing with friends just for fun. Quite a few of the maps are pretty gimmicky and shouldn't be take...