Well, after the "success" of the original Lost Soulsphere, I looked back at it and found a few things I wanted to change. I messed around, and I ...
"I knew they would come back some day...The leaders and generals of the world were content with their victory...my victory...heh. Never been much...
Small level, it was the start of a single player 11 level episode but it turns out that it's an awesome DM map.
This is the first 2 levels of this project, this is just a demo
Just a set of highly detailed small to medium large maps, mostly inspired by shooter classics of the 90s.
freeware games at http://users.nac.net/lasala/freegames.html Doom2 level to be played with one of the Doom source ports
7-level hub set in the Star Wars universe, using enemies, weapons, graphics, sounds, and music from Dark Forces. Play the role of Wrok Onmo, lead...
An UAC outpost has been invaded by a new kind of demons. It's up to you to go there and clean the installations.
The start of a new series of story-driven WADS. Read the manual for more information.
An old building in the mountians, full of traps and demons .. what more could you ask for? ;) You'll have to be able to jump to complete the map....
The Enterprise NX-01 is investigating a space anomaly. Demons suddenly begin to teleport themselves on the starship and the MACOs start a cruel b...
This map has taken me an extremly long time to make. It is basically a tech based map with many strange new uses for scripting. It is my first fu...
Sorry for the last time I did this. Reduced the demons and ammo. Also did some
This wad is better than your pile of crap.<br><br> Read the story below for a real description.
A big map for Doom 2 containing a few fights with hordes of enemies.
READ THIS!!!!!!!!! This is actually a second version of this WAD being submited to the /idgames because the first one suffered from missing textu...
A little map inspired by AgentSpork's masterpiece and megawad project "Simplicity"
A remake of the Unreal Tounament 99 deathmatch map, Tempest. Can be played Single or Multiplayer, although its main purpose is deathmatch.
First off, you can't win.<br><br> Monster spawning pads surround the center area, which is where you spawn, and where ammo and some health spawns...
Twisted Dimension is the best of my works so far, and also the most creative. It's originally based off of my very old map Death Arena, in which ...
The first edition of the Tlsxctf series
You are having a nightmare. And nobody can wakes you up...