Alkylation (version 1.0)

Alkylation (version 1.0)

An UAC outpost has been invaded by a new kind of demons. It's up to you to go there and clean the installations.

22.66 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP04, MAP05, MAP01, MAP02, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP13, MAP12, MAP03

Read Me


Title 			:  Alkylation (version 1.0)

File Name		:

Release Date 		:  November 2014

Author 			:  UltimateLorenzo

E-mail Address 		:  lorenzo (DOT) davia (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Other Files by Author 	:  DooM 2 Episode Patch (
			   DooM Castle ( (with Ismaele)
			   Death Is Just The Beginning (
			   Italian DooM Deathmatch ( (with Ismaele)
			   Enterprise NX-01 (
			   The Prometheus Experiment (
			   3 levels for the Italian DooM Megawad (
			   Final Heretic Chapter One: The Docks ( (for Heretic)
			   Assimilation Demo (
			   Paradice (
			   Infernal Venice (
			   "Shadow of the Heretic" for Heretic Treasure Chest
			   "Escape from Ghost Town" for Plutonia Revisited Community Project
			   Botanic Biosphere (

Misc Author Info 	:  I play DooM

Additional Credits 	:  First of all, a lot of thanks to Primeval who composed the music tracks for
			   the first episode level. For me it has been an honour to have music composed for my 
			   ID Software for Heretic, Hexen, Quake and Quake 2.
			   Raven Software for Hexen 2.
			   Primeval, again, for the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC texture.
			   DethteX and Rick Clark for textures from "Asylum Texture Set".
			   stecki for textures from "deConstruct Industrial Textures".
			   Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer for textures from "Duke Nukem Texture Pack".
			   Rick Clark for textures from "Gloom Texture Set".
			   Pawel Zarczynski aka NMN for textures from "NMN Corporation Texture Sets".
			   RottKing for textures from "Realistic Texture Pack".
			   Crista Forest, aka "CD Warrior" for textures from "Mansion Texture Set for Doom2".
			   Daniel for textures from "New World 1".
			   Abhoth, American McGee and Malcolm Sailor for inspiration.
			   Nick Baker for textures from "Silver textures", "Gray textures", "Useful flats", "5th Episode textures" and mortres.wad.
			   Jonathan Rimmer for textures from "Erratic Texture Pack 1".
			   Xaser "The Conqueror" for resources from "Zendynamics".
			   Christopher "shaithis" Buecheler for textures from his "CWB Texture Pak 1 for Doom2"
			   LilWhiteMouse for resources from "A new hell spawn" and for inspiration.
			   Rex Claussen	for resource from "Darkest Hour".
			   Vader, Ghastly Dragon, Post, Theshooter7, Graf Zahl, Eriance, Ben2k9, Mechadon, Bouncy, TheDarkArchon, Carnevil, Neoworm,
			   Raz and Lazureus for new weapons and monsters from Realm667 site.
			   iLLvent, NaturalTvventy, Demilinx, Philnemba, Use3D, Khorus, DoomHero85, Jodwin, DeathevokatioN, walter confalonieri, BlueEagle,
			   Bobsklim IV, Primeval (again!), Marnetmar, Per-Scan, Ed the Bat, Toberone, Marnetmar, kmxexii, Caleb13, Endless123, Ravick, Salt-Man Z,
			   for beta-testing, comments and suggestions on Doomworld and Zdoom forums.
			   ... and many other I don't remember. If you find your resources in my levels and you're not credited, or you don't want your
			   resources to be in my levels, send me an email.

Description 		:  An UAC outpost has been invaded by a new kind of demons. It's up to you to go there and clean the installations.

Instructions 		:  unzip and play with zdoom

* Play Information *

Game 			: DOOM II
Level/Map # 		: MAP01-13
Single Player 		: Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player 	: No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player 	: No
Difficulty Settings 	: Not implemented
New Sounds 		: Yes
New Musics		: Yes, created by Primeval for this project
New Graphics 		: Yes
Demos Replaced 		: None
DOOM Port Support 	: ZDOOM
Other Enhancements 	: New weapons, new enemies, new textures...

* Construction *
Base 			: see below for each single level
Build Time 		: A long long time (5 years)
Known Bugs 		: None. Mail me if any.

* New Musics by Primeval *


Intro: 		"Alkylated"
Intermission: 	"DOOM's March"
Map 01: 	"And so it Begins..."
Map 02: 	"New Breed"
Map 03: 	"Perception of Your Life"
Map 04: 	"Sub-Dimensional Being"
Map 05: 	"Tenebrae Aeterna"

* Episodes and Levels *

Episode 1 – Handle with Care

Map 01 – Catalyst

  After I completed the first Alkylation episode, I realized a good beginning was missing. So I created this small level as intro to the whole game.

Map 02 – Wicked Flowers

  I found this batch of white/metal textures, and decided to build a map around it.

Map 03 – The Nameless Installation

  With this level I tried to experiment with few but big areas in order to obtain some interesting battles. Plus the new textures helped a lot in creating the 
  feeling of the abandoned base.

Map 04 – Under Pressure

  This map, together with map 12 was supposed to be a stand alone level for a generic Doom 2 wad, called 69. When I started to think about Alkylation, I decided 
  to split it into two maps. Under Pressure is the "base style" part.

Map 05 – Infested Starport

  This map was originally intended to be part of the Italian Doom Community Project 2. When the project was deleted, this map remained pending. I started to work 
  again on it adding many areas and a boss battle. I think it is a good ending for the first episode.

Episode 2 – Xenothanatos

Map 06 – Virescit Vulnere Virtus

  An episode 2 start connected with the end of the previous level. Very simple and linear.

Map 07 – De Tenebris Contram Naturam

  This map started as a recreation of the Bled Castle (Slovenia), using the textures from the Christopher "shaithis" Buecheler's CWB Texture Pak. I was inspired by 
  this mapset and created another map for it, so I decided to join the maps using those textures in a single episode.

Map 08 – In Cauda Venenum

  Another map originally intended for the Italian Doom Comunity Project 2. The original version was called "Air Demon Temple" and figured only cacodemon-based 
  monsters. I changed monsters in order to have more variety but left many puzzles.

Episode 3 – Negentropy

Map 09 – New Black Day

  The first Doom wad I published was "Death Is Just The Beginning" a new episode for Doom 1. Something like 4 years ago I decided to revamp all the maps, adding new 
  textures and zdoom features. DJB Revamped never got completed, but I found out that some levels were fine for the Alkylation project. New Black Day is such a map, 
  the first of the DJB episode. You can go play both and see the differences.

Map 10 – Dark Floors

  A small industrial map divided in three sections. You can see I took inspiration from the "id Map01".

Map 11 – Acid Attack

  A big map full of battles and enemies and interesting architectures (I hope). Some areas come from other levels I was working on before deciding to realize 
  Alkylation. You may argue that using "spare parts" to create a Doom level may not lead to the best results, but I hope I harmonized all the aspects of the map.

Map 12 – Nightside of Eden

  This level was originally the second part in the 69 level. Nightside of Eden is the "hell style" part of the map.

Map 13 – Heart of Darkness

  Coming from my old level "Sadic Hell", Heart of Darkness is one of the first levels originally revamped from the DJB project. I improved the tortures and added 
  some more areas. It is also the final level of Alkylation Episode 3.

* Copyright / Permissions *

This level is Copyright @ 2014 by UltimateLorenzo.
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You MAY distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) for non-profit purposes, as long as
you include this file intact (for instance, you may include it on a
CD that comes free with a book or magazine).


Under Pressure

Under Pressure (MAP04)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
Infested Starport

Infested Starport (MAP05)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time

Catalyst (MAP01)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
Wicked Flowers

Wicked Flowers (MAP02)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
virescit vulnere virtus

virescit vulnere virtus (MAP06)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
de tenebris contram naturam

de tenebris contram naturam (MAP07)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
in cauda venenum

in cauda venenum (MAP08)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
new black day

new black day (MAP09)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
dark floors

dark floors (MAP10)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
acid attack

acid attack (MAP11)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
heart of darkness

heart of darkness (MAP13)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
nightside of eden

nightside of eden (MAP12)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
The Nameless Installation

The Nameless Installation (MAP03)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time