The Gateway Experiments, or Doesn't The Military Ever Learn? Episode 1: Space Station Omega
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Doom II
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GooberMan - Doing Cool Shit(TM) with ACS since 2001. =========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : ZDoom v2.0p37 minimum Primary purpose : Single Player Story Based Level/Series =========================================================================== Title : The Gateway Experiments, or Doesn't The Military Ever Learn? Episode 1: Space Station Omega Filename : GE1-SSO.WAD Release date : 28 January 2003 Author : Ethan Watson aka GooberMan Email Address : [email protected] Other Files By Author : DC4DEMO.WAD (found at gooberman_and_friends/doom_chronicles) DAR1.WAD (found at doomarcade) DAB_2.WAD (found at doomarcade) STARBOX.WAD (demo WAD found at - this map uses STARBOX.WAD as a base. GDM_CAVE.WAD (deathmatch WAD found at Misc. Author Info : I might be a Goober but I'm not a fucking Goober. Description : The start of a new series of story-driven WADS. Read the manual for more information. Additional Credits to : id Software for making Doom in the first place. Randy Heit for developing ZDoom and putting up with my bug reports in the forums. Maonth, Lu-Wang, deathwarrior and Enjay for testing and comments (more specific information in GE_MAN.TXT). =========================================================================== * Play Information * Executable needed : ZDoom v2.0p37 IWAD Needed : DOOM2.WAD Map # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes, the entire point of the map Cooperative 2-4 Player : Forget it Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No way Other game styles : No Difficulty Settings : No New Graphics : Yes New Sounds : No New Demos : No DEH Patch : No * Construction * Base : From scratch. Build Time : Too fucking long... *ahem* ok then... Started 19th December 2001, stopped work for three months in January, continued for a bit in April, got sidetracked with a Millennium map for a month, then got sidetracked with a programming assignment for a month, did more work on it in July, left it alone until January 2003, and FINALLY finished it. Tool(s) used : Zeth, WadAuthor, Paint Shop Pro, DeuTEX Known Bugs : My scripts probably aren't 100% perfect, but just look at the size of the source file! That's ludicrous for just one map! *ahem* On with it then. Will Not Run With... : Total Annihilation * Freebies* The ZIP this text file and WAD came in has two extra zips, those zips being CAMTUT.ZIP and SPECHTUT.ZIP. CAMTUT is a cameras tutorial I wrote after releasing Doom - The Arcade Game release 1, and SPECHTUT is a much cleaner version of the speech system incorporated in this map. * General info * [21:34] <GooberMan> I don't think I'll ever consider the map complete, but there'll come a point where I say 'fuck it' and upload it (much like what I did with Doom Arcade) Running the WAD: Copy GE1-SSO.WAD and GATEWAY.CFG to the Doom 2 directory, then go to Start Menu/Run and type in "<directory>\zdoom.exe gateway.cfg" (taken from GE_MAN.TXT) 1.4 Important binds +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VERY IMPORTANT! IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS SECTION, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE GATEWAY EXPERIMENTS! The Gateway Experiments adds some keys to the configure keys menu. These keys, found under the "Gateway Experiments Interface Options" section, are called "Cycle Choices" and "Activate Choices." By default, these keys should be bound to G and H respectively, but if this is not the case, you will need to set these binds yourself. Right, now that I've said that, I will also say go in to the manual if you have any questions, chances are there's a section for your question in there, and if not send me an email and it will probably get added. First for a ZDoom mod: Scripted interactive speech system :) Not the first for a Doom port (Eternity, ZXDoom), but certainly shows that you don't have to wait for a port to be released to give speech a try. Feel free to use the speech system in your own mod. =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Yes, that means you can use the speech system (if it's readable), but don't go plagiarising my stuff - give credit. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.