New Decorate monster. Type "summon hell-o" to summon it. It is very strong, so better use cheats to learn what it can do.
This wad is a action packed Skulltag/ZDoom wad with 5 amazing deathmatch maps, 1 domination maps and one for the "CTF" mode! It includes also nic...
The winner gets it all(?)
While driving in the middle of the night, a mysterious figure in the dark wanders into the path of your car, making you turn and crash into a wal...
Gothic Duel maps
This zip file includes two pk3's: Q4CollarAlpha.pk3 and KEENDATA.pk3. Be sure to load them both in order to play correctly (run GZDOOM from a com...
A epic tale of romance, passion and heroism about Foxxy's wonderful Mother.
A small little zDoom map using mostly Doom 3 textures.
XASER'S SHiTWADS is a set of ten levels (+1 secret) However, the thing about these levels is that they are all kind of "Joke Maps". Some are old ...
Path to Hell is a middle/big level, it takes around 30 minutes, hope you like it :)
10 Levels for Zdoom, Plus 2 secret levels. Each level has all new challenges awaiting you. Plenty of use of the features in Zdoom like stealth en...
i did this last year for fun with friends and it sucked :D!
It's a base style level, nothing more to say about it
This is a pretty straightforward WAD, I designed it in a couple hours yesterday. This is meant to either be played in GZDoom, ZDoom, or Zandronum...
Originally a birthday cake for Nanami, I changed it a bit to make a pic of a Doom birthday cake. Then as asked added monsters/exit and gave a dow...
2nd map made by me...
Well, I made this map mainly to improve my scripting skills, but that is left to you to decide. Well, speaking about the map, I wanted to build a...
A UAC base gone haywire. You will fight in Hell eventually. A few base levels are distorted by the influence of Hell.
Original music by Marc A. Pullen ([email protected]) Album Title : Doomed Released : 2016-08-04 (Aug 4) Where can I get the highest quality ...
This is basicly my wad from VineSauce mapping contest, with few improvements.
One new level with a hellish theme, similar to bits of Episode2 and Episode3. This was originally supposed to be a contribution for DarkHaven's m...
A set of 12 maps created by myself because I felt like creating some maps. There's a little story between chapters (3 in total) that vaguely desc...