Just for the hell of it, I decided to do a ZDoom only speed map. It's styled after Doom episode one, Knee Deep In the Dead.
A multiplayer co-op map in which up to four players fight against a horde of heads (the author's head and that of my roommate's.) Gameplay is rou...
"You awaken in a small and desecrated base, the demons have brought you here for some reason and you are going to find out what awaits you in thi...
You were sent to Compound-087-B to investigate a terrible accident that occurred in the area. Your primary objective is to get the Lost Naval Int...
A medium sized map featuring an outdoor castle based theme and interior tech based theme. Takes about 6 minutes to complete. This Is the second m...
Here you go, a full wad with 1 level of DOOM action with the theme of the AVGN! The plot is based on the AVGN movie where he must find E.T for th...
Story: You are the biproduct of some governmental experiment gone wrong. These are your drug enduced-hallucinations.
After getting burnt out on Brutal Doom, I still wanted vanilla gameplay but I liked having alternate deaths for the monsters (and other things) s...
It's clear to me that there are very few strife wads on /idgames, so I decided why not make a strife wad? Enjoy a level of fun strife action!
A small castle level. Your objective is to clear out all the enemies, then exit the castle.
Remember that large rolling boulder in Indiana Jones, or the same obstacles in Tomb Raider?<br><br> Well, now you can place them in your Doom map...
7 maps by 6 authors, all themed for LMS. Wad made in two weeks. The maps are FFA-compatible and should we played with at least 4 players, some ma...
The UAC is once again attacked by the enemy. They tried to preempt the new attack, and built devices to counter the demons. They were successful ...
Jokewad scavenger hunt featuring LUDICROUS GIBS Technology! Jumping and crouching are required.
Cheeki breeki, we bandit now, and 2d to boot! Featuring gratuitous Russian swearing, drunken hijinks, and godawful polka that won't ever stop! Fo...
This a compilation of Richard Jaspars 'Styx' excellent Styx Deathmatch Series. I've changed nothing in the levels themselves (except rename them ...
This was originaly to be map03 in DreamDM, but it's simply to big to be played on. I'm releasing it, because i think it looks quite good, and don...
Kroz, one of the millions of smiley-faces that have graced ages-old text mode games in the past, has finally gotten upset at Bill Gates for phasi...
Okay, this is an arena map with imps and stuff. Survive as long as you possibly can and get a high score.
A small Tech style DeathMatch map for ZDoom 1.23 or higher. This is my first attemt at making a ZDoom map.
My first four maps I put together over two weeks or so. The main intent was to have some fun, though not very challenging, gameplay. School's sta...
This is the sequel to the ill fated Dark Barren Forest. That level was a piece of crap. This is more realistic and scarier map that contains scri...
An average-sized tech-style map.