Single-Level/Cooperative for Doom ][. You (and your team) lay siege upon a the evil teleport center and use the center to engage in different sce...
I describe this set of levels as very interesting. I have used as many traps as I could in this level.
32 DOOM2 formerly DM oriented levels converted to SP use by the addition of a most unwelcomed guest. Quite violent at times.
Rapture's vacationland. Side order of hellspawn.
It is a simple WAD, it is not too large and not too difficult, but you have only some ammo. Enjoy!!!
A very large castle with dungeon, courtyards, a sewer and lots of other nifty stuff
Vanilla-compatable megawad
WOLFENSTEIN REVISITED Game level 6 layout taken from Wolfenstein3D shareware version with some added bonuses. Also has the real feel of Escaping ...
Level one is modelled on my house, the design corresponds loosely to the plot of the radio play "Attack of the Groovy Bushman."
Here is another fine Deathmatch-Level. Made for DM 2.0 and 2 players, we did not try to play it with more than 2. It's a very fast level, no plac...
T3.wad spinoff, sort of. Great Deathmatch!!!!!!
This level is write for good players in the BFG fire tecnique, but is also good to play with conventional weapon Features: - Secure start rooms f...
See if you can find everything without resorting to cheating. If you have any comments, need hints or problems with deathmatch or multi player mo...
A complete conversion to a Ghostbusting theme(see gbreadme.txt for more info)
This deathmatch wad is in a Roman like architecure setting. Everything is stony looking with pillars, pool baths, etc. I wanted to make it look a...
It all takes place in a building which was once part of a very
DEATHMATCH, 2 to 4 players. - Easy to identify exit. Two highth levels to fight on simultaneously, (frag fest!). Very loosely, based on the origi...
This level was built for my afternoon DeathMatches, hence the title. It consists of a central raised area around which there are several walkways...
Here's some more DOOM DEATHMATCH levels! They contain new maps & new music for E1M1 E1M2 E1M3. All the music is contained in DMATCH.WAD so it wil...
: This a demo of hans.wad in action, recorded at the Legendary Arena BBS in Melbourne, Australia (03) 98248199
This megawad has 538 monsters across 32 maps! The map # = the monster count: Map 1, 1 monster, map 2, 2 monsters etc. A series of random fun litt...