The most intense deathmatch wad you will ever play! So much quality you would scream with joy...
A Large single map for DOOM2, taking place in an ancient temple complex swarming with hellspawn. Occasional switchhunt might occur as the map isn...
The legendary Finnish president Kekkonen visits the Soviet Union with a vengeance.
Basically, this is a temple in hell that can be blazed through in 5 minutes. No real plot, just demons getting blown away. This wad originally be...
Well It would seem the notorious Joe Anderson has made another map. In my opinion this is better than the others but only the public will decide....
I tried to make a tropical forest island kind of like FarCry. Hopefully I succeeded somewhat
Capture The Flag Doom that's basically Team Fortress Doom with some Command & Conquer stuff
This is the sequel to my old megawad "Scythe". Expect better looking and bigger levels. unfortunately, the last 3 levels are missing, because I a...
A quick MAP01-style level.
A Tech/Earth based 11 Map WAD using many of the features of ZDoom. Such as,
Oh Hell. Hell has come to send monsters from Hell to murder you and you have to go to Hell and back to murder the monsters from Hell from making ...
Fight an epic battle of demons and marines, WIN!
A vanilla remake of Sewers made by David Calvin in 1994. Remake partly inspired by SgtMarkIV's Sewers. No jumping - No crouching
My very first wad. A partial TC for Zdoom inspired
This is a try to recreate Doom as it would be done in the 80's :P. My first DM package. So it's not as great as Exec.wad, brit11.wad or dwango se...
Fuzzball Fox came up with the concept of using only 10 textures for a map, and challenged the ZDoom forum members to create 15 single player maps...
You must escape from UAC. Simple.
Since 4th of July is around the corner, I made a sequel to "Pepsi Apocalypse." It is titled "Root Beer Apocalypse." It has mainly broen as the do...
The third instalment in the series of maps...yeah. Once again I just went the way of scripts, although I did add some colored lighting for effect...
My first released DM map, REQUIRES ZDoom
My third wad. I think its great. It has zdoom effects other than particle fountains, and lots of cool stuff such as a spiral staircase using a 3d...
You are Captain Mancubus, and you want to kill Satan. You train for a while, then you teleport down to Satan`s Colosseum to get rid of him! Wait ...
4 maps from the third episode of Ultimate Simplicity that got finished before I quit working on it. Don't expect anything special.