10-level WolfenDOOM adventure, featuring new
you're inside a security place full of mutant but you need to Escape the place fast before the monsters kick your asshole so try your best to sec...
Fight the marines. NOTE: This is a re-do of MARINE1.ZIP, which was around 2.6 megs due to un-appended sprites from Doom II. This version has no i...
er... hmm...
Simpsons sprites and sounds replacements
This WAD will turn all the Imps into Chickens who shoot eggs. This WAD is not the same as the Chook wad. In fact I created this before Chook even...
Star Trek Sounds for DooM!! Play as Captain Jean Luc Picard in HELL!
Christmas are very soon, but you still aren't in a Christmas mood? Well, try playing Doom with this! This probably won't help, but will still be ...
An experimental WAD that puts you in the shoes of the Unnamed Marine from the classic DOOM 1 and 2 games. It is sort of a "deleted scene" from th...
Hell Revealed is a megawad, a 32-level replacement for DooM II, created by Yonatan Donner and Haggay Niv. <br><br> In Hell Revealed, you will fin...
Have you ever played a wad which was so excellent that it made your mouth drop in sheer astonishment? Most likely not. But today, you certainly w...
This WAD file is the result of MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. First I saw some "nifty" batch programs that would modify the main IWAD for the original DO...