The latest successor in the TNT series. As known, you will encounter a lot of ZDoom effects, neat detailed areas and of course scripting :) (not ...
For those of you who like pure action, no- thinking deathmatch levels, this is the one or you. This level consists of a mid-sized arena modeled c...
You and your squad must eliminate a biochemical substance being produced in an abandoned military complex, now taken over by mercenaries.
A long level with multiple paths and many discreet, difficult encounters. This level was made to be played with the Brutal Doom mod.
Unreality has been struck with extreme stupidness and you have to kill all the demons and stop John Romero!!
A 10 level mapset for DooM II. This mapset was inspired by the atmosphere of Playstation Doom and Doom 64. It will feature the creepy ambient fee...
TC for ZDoom (use version 1.17c or higher). Single player.
Dark flickering sewer. Built from 10 sectors.
This may be one of the last maps I'll ever make since I'm considering dropping mapping for a good while - I've made so many maps, that it just is...
A castle has been taken over for use as the Demon base.
A small collaberation of maps by a few members of the Random Chaos doom clan. Unlike our previous singleplayer collaberation, this one is intende...
I wanted to make a level with textures I have never seen before in a WAD. On the way I imposed the 1024 unit limitation rule as well as a monster...
*Zero Day includes an original soundtrack. If you'd like the optimised mp3 version with realistic instruments, check out, which sh...
Decent size Deathmatch level with lots of detail. Should be fun for any amount of players!
Ok, I usually put terry wads on the archive, but I felt like treating you all to a little deathmatch level I made. It uses Skulltag weapons and t...
A 9 level wad for Doom II. This is a project by Team DIS; made up of Jazzmaster, Jimmy, PRIMEVAL and Blindspot Software. This mapset was done in ...
One single player level. Requires the latest
A newer version of my first map Trinity.
ITS PONG! bind controls in controls menu
This is a tribute memorial map to legendary youtuber TotalBiscuit, also known as John Bain. RIP`1984-2018
3 Levels I made ages ago, it was going to be a full episode but I could go any farther. I may extend onto it someday.
A Warm Place