Map with hellish/medieval style that consists of 3 large areas connected by teleporters. **There is a way to skip the second area so keep your ey...
A "Mini Conversion". Only One level but quite a few changes to various things.
A big map. Some puzzles, lots of fighting. Tons of strategy required.
This is a map that was cut out of the Vae Victus project. Why? No one may never know.
LOAD WITH CC4 TEXTURES AND PLAY WITH GZDOOM. ALLOW JUMPING AND CROUCHING. "World of Winter" is a single-player map originally disguised as a "wow...
Save the road, pretty much a strait forward road, with nothing else but road... Except a hint of imagination...
//********// Outside the perimeter of Corporate City, a huge old abandoned Factory lies in the middle of the unhabited streets. A few hours ago, ...
My second ZDOOM wad. Hopefully better than the first. :p If you played the first one you'll know what to expect.
A Dark Barren Forest. Its a dark night and outside lies an unknown beast and it must be killed to win the level. This level will only run in Zdoo...
a map done for a (abbandoned?) zdoom forums projects, replaces map22
"White Light: 2010 Edition" (with a new sky) and
I have absolutely no inspiration to continue this, so I decided to release this to idgames instead of letting it collect virtual dust. This wad g...
32 Levels replacing Doom2, basically following the Doom2 "story". A reworking of my old Enjay Doom project (originally from 1994 for some of the ...
"Chaos Peak" is a GZDoom feature-heavy slaughter map I whipped together in a 3 weeks time. I have loads of fun playing this myself so I hope you ...
This is my first Boom/ZDoom project and Johannes`s first released project. It have 4 levels so far what are joined together.
Duel maps are my favorite type of maps I create in Doom Builder, especially the maps wich are small and have a fast gameplay. This project contai...
This is (obviously) my first wad, made for the Vinesauce 2016 Doom Mapping contest and submitted to said contest two months ago. I was originally...
This is a map I made after I was visited in a dream by the Doom gods. They bestowed upon me mapping skills beyond that of any mere mortal. Mr. Re...
Fourth ZDoom map of mine. Damn this one's way different from not just the previous three but all others I've ever made. It's techno! Why is it te...
One single player level. Requires the latest
Weapon wad coming back for redemtion.
This wad contains the first (short) level of an 8 level iwad I'm working on. There is a hidden super shotgun and rocket launcher.