This level is especially made for Deathmatch with rules 2.0 (respawning items). Single player and multi-coop is also great, but the level might b...
My first ever map, from way back when. Sucks of course, but not as bad as many people's first maps, so all's good.
Listed below is complete author information on this wad compilation... Map 1 - Crypt - Author - Smight Map 2 - Danzig1 - Author - B. Vannatta Map...
I got the idea for this while playing 3 player deathmatch, and secretly ganging up one player. Here you can play 2, 3, 4 player deathmatch. The l...
One of my first levels (more specifically, it's my third). It has been continuously modified until I have reached a point where I was satisfied w...
DM2VOL1.WAD is a collection of 4 new DOOM ][ Level Replacement's :-) These 4 level's are some of the better/best ones I have seen on the internet...
This is the fourth of eight levels that I made a long time ago.
Very Neat. If you like the new enemies in DOOM II as much as I do, this is the level for you!
8 levels of deathmatch experiment but some are fun
DOOM II PWAD, for those of you who like huge open spaces
Hans Island takes you, Bruised Knee, to the island fortress of a criminal warlord, Mr.Han. Whose martial arts academy covers up for their illegal...
This huge 230+K level features most all of the ememies in Doom II including Cyberdemons and Spider-Masterminds which are not just thrown together...
This wad really isn' a big deal. I pretty much just made it for fun. Dont expect alot of replay value from this one. (sorry) But I do hope you en...
Your enemies have somehow captured you and thrown you into their private arena, chock full of all different enemies. You must find an escape or b...
As with previous Lost WADs, I built this with attention to texture alignment and playability using ALL the keys. However, This time, I pushed the...
A nice, but challenging map.
This level is meant for deathmatch, although it's fun to play by yourself. It features an enormously tall elevator which takes you through the le...
A 9-level single player episode for Doom 2, created back in 2004. You have been trapped inside the cells of a hellish mountain fortress and must ...
This is a DOOM II pwad that was designed specifically with 2-player Deathmatch 2.0 in mind. Works pretty well with 4 players too. It is very diff...
A small level for Doom2 consiting of a Bricks theme in the main area and teleporters to E1 and E2 style areas.
This is a heavily retooled version of the map I submitted to NOVA II all those months ago. It's far more detailed, more streamlined, has more inv...
Wet and dark. Too bad it's only a wad :) Take a break from deathmatch (but just a minute). This wad supports single and multi-player cooperative ...
The Story: You are landing on a new planet and you find out that there is something wrong ... So let as look.