You are 3 tubes going in circles, with dark tunnels crossing through the center of it. Great for Deathmatch.
Follow up wad to Escape From Phobos, Can you now Escape From Deimos?
This is a map made with a simple objective in mind, make a competent vanilla-compatible map on the shortest time possible, i don't know if i can ...
The complete 9 levels of the first Goblin series.
Can you believe it? An Okie named this puppy. In honor of the '98 dustbowl, I give you this - a whip with which to scar yourself hideously. Actua...
The Courtyard is designed for multiplayer Deathmatch! There is no monsters to interupt you from crushing your opponent(s). There are a lot of pla...
Well, what do you expect?! I went to pains-taking process on my FIRST wad to create a close copy of a hotel. It has A foutain, a pool, several ro...
It's a collection of my four wads. Evryone is very huge and difficult (poor health) - you should save often. There are few secrets but I can't re...
Deathtag only better, or at least thats what i think. Perty good, with a central place with tons of weapons, and two forts, and a new way to defe...
Very small deathmatch wad, great for high frag count games. All Weapons available.
A fortress in hell. This is my wad #14
This is a THEME wad. Gee, I wonder if you can figure out the theme by it's name. Or maybe you'll get it by looking at the map. Either way, you 'm...
This level is made with rookies and serious Deathmatchers in mind, with varied terrain and viewpoints from which to snipe loved ones and enemies ...
This level was originally called castle.wad. I took it, modified it, retextured it, and rereleased it as Warwick.wad
Medium size level. Very playable wad built in the classic Doom style with attention to detail and design. Comments welcomed to Email address. Des...
A set of 4 deathmatch levels, sort of the sequel to Hafwads. These are levels that were partway built when I started playing Quake and quit Doom ...
Doomer Boards krew4lyfe
A ten level episode where the theme is set in a castle environment that was designed to have a good mix of battles and puzzles. New Monsters: A S...
3 big battle rooms, to test your Doom ability. Only once you pass these 3 obsticles, then and ONLY then, can you claim the 'DOOM GOD' Trophy and ...
A "one combat area" speed map, which only provides a chaingun and berserks fist.
Well, you know the story. UAC keeps sending you different places on Titan to investigate various strange occurences. You keep telling them that t...