Holiday Inn (DOOM II Deathmatch PWAD)
Well, what do you expect?! I went to pains-taking process on my FIRST wad to create a close copy of a hotel. It has A foutain, a pool, several rooms, an elev...
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Doom II
Doom II
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================================================================ Title : Holiday Inn (DOOM II Deathmatch PWAD) Filename : HOLIDAYN.WAD Author : Kevin (MEGA_LUMP) Chulski Email Address : [email protected] Description : Well, what do you expect?! I went to pains-taking process on my FIRST wad to create a close copy of a hotel. It has A foutain, a pool, several rooms, an elevator, a restaurant, a check-in counter, and a parking lot. Enjoy! Misc. Author Info : I have done a bunch of guest wad reviews for Mr. Doom ( I plan to make a few more wads in my time. If I can't I'll start making Duke3D levels or maybe even Quake. Additional Credits to : ID software, the people who want to turn your brains to mush... slowly Swit, Who gave me some Advice :( & Playtesting Gerbil, Playtesting & Assistance (This spot could be yours) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Map 01 Single Player : Yes, (I had to didn't I?) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but why? Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, 3 to 4 player recomended Difficulty Settings : Not Implemented New Sounds : Yes - Mostly Me - Don't I sound cool? :) New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : No *Construction * Base : None, made from scratch Build Time : A Millenia - February 1996 to July 25, 1996 (Darn! this thing is complex!!) Editor(s) used : WinDeu 5.23, WinTex 4.0, Midi2Mus Other Applications Used : Cool (Shareware), Paintbrush, and Sound Recorder Bugs : Ha HA! Not a single one (those ant traps worked well.) *Copyright / Permissions* Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Remember, if you re-write my level you "are going to hell with all of the other free-loaders". You may FREELY convert my level into Duke3D, Hexen, etc. or use any of my sound effects. But do not try to write your own versoin of it for anything with "DOOM" in the game's title. BUT you may not convert it to Quake format, if possible, I will hate that game 'till the day I die. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications (Not a one!). You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Running this WAD * doom2 -file holidayn.wad <enter> (In your Doom directory) * Where to get this WAD *