Trouble on Titan
Well, you know the story. UAC keeps sending you different places on Titan to investigate various strange occurences. You keep telling them that there are ali...
trouble.wad, TROUBLE.WAD
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Doom II
Doom II
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================================================================ Title : Trouble on Titan Filename : TROUBLE.WAD.WAD from TROUBLE.ZIP Author : Jim Flynn Chief Playtester : Peter Zahner (thanks!) Email Address : CIS: 72713,3334 Misc. Author Info : Programmer and DOOMer ================================================================ Description : Well, you know the story. UAC keeps sending you different places on Titan to investigate various strange occurences. You keep telling them that there are aliens on Titan. You reported this after nearly getting your head taken off in the Mines. You told them again when they lost the Anomaly site. Your investigation of the loss of communication at the Farside base also mentioned this. They're starting to believe you, I think, except for the Psychology department anyway - they're still holding out for their space psychosis theory. Its a compromise, you're being sent again, but as usual, you only get a pistol... just in case there aren't any aliens after all. ================================================================ Play notes: 486/66 recommended Co-op has been supported with extra armor and health. As a result you may have to pick up about 10-15 items before the co-op UV game will save. Frame rates may not be real good either. Deathmatch is not encouraged or supported by this wad. It is far too large and complex for any kind of decent match. ================================================================ Additional Credits to : Brendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet for DEU-GCC : Antony Burden and Simon Oke for DETH 1.1c-3.92 : Colin Reed for BSP1.5x : Olivier Montanuy for DeuTex 3.1-3.6 : Bob (Odessa) Evans for "Are you Saved?" texture : HevKev (Kevin McGrail) for the DeuTex Manual : Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB 2.1 : NASA and all those who supported the HST : Those folks at ID, for DOOM and DOOM II. : Playtesters: Peter Zahner, Matt Jonelis, John Keary, Nora ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (untested) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No (too large and complex) Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (thanks to Bob Evans, and New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ================================================================ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Tools(s) used : For level editing: DETH 3.92 For node building: BSP 1.5x For reject map building: RMB 2.1 For wad composition: DeuTex 3.6 ================================================================ * Known Bugs * ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * The file TROUBLE.ZIP may be distributed at will for personal use as long as it is unmodified. Wad authors may use the level and its textures if the resulting wad is distributed as freeware, and credit to the author and a pointer to this file are provided. This file may NOT be included in a CD-ROM collection without prior permission from the author. ================================================================ * Other Doom II wads by Jim Flynn * Available on Compuserve, Action Games Forum, Doom II Levels Library DM2ITZ.ZIP The Interdiction Zone DM2ORA.ZIP The Oracle (with Scott Harper) MINES.ZIP The Mines of Titan ANOMALY.ZIP The Titan Anomaly FARSIDE.ZIP The Farside of Titan ENIGMA.ZIP The Enigma Episode (9 levels)