a snake game, where red, blue, green and yellow snakes compete for points. Eating fruits will gain points to your snake. You loose a point, each ...
Duel map originally meant for a cyber-duel, but quickly realized it's potential for multiplayer. First ever duel map! And /idgames upload :o Musi...
A really nice DM map I threw together in about 2 days. This is my first ever map release to the public.. But I've beene editing Doom(2) for about...
Harmata said it best: "I could've picked random wads from idgames and then combine them in a megawad and it would be exactly the same thing as th...
8 fast-paced DM maps for Zdaemon or zdoom compatible ports.
(A CTF pack with 15 maps, the mapinfo shows the author.)
Sister to freon.wad and was meant to be in The same style. Medium sized DM, good with 3 players, but 2 is sort of a hunt.