The Sequel to Wolfenstein: Shadows of Destiny. This Total Conversion is a homage to my favorite Wolfenstein 3d mods, specifically WSJ's Project: ...
These levels are a battle between humans and imps. They have scripts, so Zdoom is required. The levels have a storyline in them and also in inter...
What's the Hub One release? It's 7 levels that work seamlessly as a single hub. Sort of like one big level since you can go back and fort...
This is an unoffical sequel to Richard Wilkins's map "GET OFF MY LAND". While I found the title hilarious, I was sorely disappointed by the wad i...
This is my first ZDoom project and this hub haves 4 levels. It haves many ACS scripts too.
A single map about our Doomguy, who has been teleported to the land of the damned. You want to escape from it and return back home, however, it's...
This is a FFA or 1on1 (a bit big for it) that is completely dedicated to Dylan McIntosh, other wise known as Toke who passed away in a care crash...
The Monsters of doom planning an attack on the Marines, but you're the salvation (as always), I sent via teleporter to DooM Town, where deves kil...