Floor Massacre Breakdown city with breakable slopes to test CDoom 2.07 features
After Gatekeeper died the marine stays at hell, trying to go to surface but changes his mind. 32 map-megawad
This mod is a bit of a tech demo: It combines DeHackEd and DECORATE in a way that has never been see before.
Pretty large map. Used many different styles of design, start out from cities, towns and ending with standart doom-base style, caves, metal hallw...
Gameplay modification that makes the game harder and more like a survival horror, managing ammo and overall making it far more stressful.
Hells nice isnt it....? Nope! Note to self: Dont fall from sky and land on thingy it usually hurts. Armed with shotgun in hand you better kick so...
Commandos! Doom is a weapons mod for EDGE 1.28a. The basic goal I had in mind while making this was to replace most, if not all of the weapons an...