This is what I always imagined the level Crusher (level 6) to be like. No, there is actually no ceilings crushes what-so-ever, but hey- it looks ...
Classic, vanilla map set for single player and cooperative games with 12 small, medium, and large levels. Theme is hellish and consists of flesh,...
I made three deathmatch wads a while ago and finally decided to release them to the idgames ftp. This is one of them. In this map, you're going t...
A Doom new level map for E1M1
After killing yet another Spider Demon, you
Temple-like setting with several tunnels leading : around it. Teleporters in the tunnels lead to : various locations in the temple. Tunnel Corp. ...
A normal wad with 2 levels, with no dumb plot.
Playing dwspd024.wad inspired me to try making a speedmap.
They laughed when you said the world was going to be overrun with monsters. Now they're dead. And you're not...Yet. Race through a 3-level house,...
Final Fantasy "the best Japanese RPG ever" meets Doom "the best FPS ever".
A small single player level for Hexen.
gore5 is like gore somewhat by theme another map file for Doom 1
Deathmatch level for heretic
Includes a jail, a pit, a cage, and bridges.
Originally intended as an Episode I D:E map. The second serious map I made coming out of retirement (after WTC911) and the last map I made comple...
-- achtung! the map replaces E4M1! -- After the events of Doom I, Doomguy got a big amount of money from all Earth governments, after all, he's t...
After kicking the invading demon's collective asses in life, you thought you could retire to a life of leisure, didn't you? After finally shuffli...
Another DEATHMATCH level.. really fun discovering the secret rooms, he he he :)
"FULL ON" is an exciting addition to DOOM. - E2M1 From Scratch! This is great starting place - E2M2 The Warehouse; from scratch, this place is fu...
This level tries to recreate the good atmosphere of the novel, without adding new textures. I know I should have included an Opera feel instead o...
ROGUES2 is similar to ROGUES I made in September 1994. It's a level for games who prefere the shotgun. Of course you can find the other weapons t...
You've been bumped down to sewer duty. How could it possibly get any worse? Ah nuts, now the lights have gone out! What's that snarling? Uh oh, l...
The general idea is to loosely recreate each episode of Doom but summed up with 2 maps per episode. Each map tries to emulate the mapping styles ...
You went to sleep one night thinking that you had rid