This is a limit-removing map designed for Boom compatibility (-complevel 9). Play Doom in my nose.
22 maps made in the month of May, with an epilogue bolted on to stop the player going into the stock maps. The theme of this year's MAYhem was a ...
4 maps. All vertices are on the 64x64 grid (not things).
Huge space/moon map that has a main hub of sort. Non-linear (grab keys in any order, etc...). 13 secrets total
A heavily modified Doom2 Map 07 remake. Lots and lots of stuff to kill.
Okay, for starters: THIS LEVEL IS LARGE. VERY, VERY, VERY LARGE. It has ~2400 sectors and ~2300 monsters on UV. I would NOT recommend playing thi...
Set of 12 boom-compatible slaughterish maps. Blast through tech bases, winter maps, hellish keeps and structures in the Void. MAP06 was made with...
This is a massive map, part of it is a demon university. There are also huge outside areas, even a chapel, with an archvile as the priest deliver...
Nine single-player/coop maps, and three really old versions for comparison.
This is the sequel to my old megawad "Scythe". Expect better looking and bigger levels. unfortunately, the last 3 levels are missing, because I a...
A symmetrical deathmatch level for Doom 2.
Barren world full of sand, rocks and canyons. Do not jump in this map. It's not designed that you can jump. Though jumping does not ruin gameplay...
Single-player megawad that pits the player against the forces of Castle Doom. I tried to keep it generic so that the various advanced ports can a...
A 10 sector map. 4 of the sectors are sloped.