You are on Rim, a planet covered with water. Small but neat map.
The first 8 levels of this wad were created by me with the intention of using them in deathmatch mode with my buddies. I did try to build them so...
This Pwad is intended as the secret level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode. No hint's, but be afraid, be very afraid... ... and have...
Sort of a prison complex for Doom. Works only with registered version.
Something odd has happened at the old abandoned church at the top of the hill. It's close to midnight and you mount the hill to investigate the s...
My first PWAD. It got out of hand and grew and grew. Lots of secrets. Many ideas, puzzles and aesthetic rooms in there. Much better than the orig...
A medium-sized level featuring a few nice ideas, including two mazes. There *is* a secret exit to E1M9. This WAD is called 'Dreamland' because mo...
OK Deathmatch lovers. Here it is !!! I've played alot of deathmatches so I knew what I wanted. It's not so big ya spend all day looking for each ...
small, cool, deathmatch wad.
Unholy Cross. An E1M1 deathmatch level designed for 2-3 players. This PWAD is designed around a tall central room containing a massive fiery alte...
This is the first wad I created, but hang on, it's taken over 3 years so I'm hardly a beginner by now !
A medium size E1 base style level. This level is based on an unfinished level I had lying around and which I finally finished. Anthony Soto used ...
This wad is meant to be used primarly for multiplayer games such as deathmatch. By learning the secrets of this wad you will be able to give your...
Well, it's a bit symmetrical (someone is going to kill me now for saying that), but it's still good nonetheless. It has that strong E1-ish feelin...
Ultra-violence is for wimps! NIGHTMARE is where REAL DOOMIES play! REAL DOOMIES don't need guns. We use OUR FISTS! Experience the first and only ...
Chex Quest Advanced is a project to improve the original Chex Quest series, but keep the old classic feel. This has been tested to work with the ...
Explore this small but potent array of terror with your opponent(s) until you've seen all the RED you want to see!
simple map with 4 block rooms connected to a middle room
This WAD was based on PAR-002C.WAD file by Patick Small. Some cometic changes where made, but the most significant changes made where the additio...