The Singularity Complex I
A medium size E1 base style level. This level is based on an unfinished level I had lying around and which I finally finished. Anthony Soto used parts of the...
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WAD Type
E1M1, E1M2, E1M3, E1M4, E1M5, E1M6, E1M7, E1M8, E1M9
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============================================================================= The Classic Episode part 2 - The Singularity Complex version 1.0 ============================================================================= ----------- File info: ----------- File Name : class_e2.wad Release Date : December 26, 2005 Author : Jan Van der Veken E-mail : user = janvkn domain = you can figure it out ;) Home Page : Levels Replaced : E1M1 -> E1M9 Doom Port : This wad should work on any modern Doom port. It has been tested on prboom, zdoom and gzdoom. There are some extra (g)zdoom specific lumps present but they are not strictly required to play this episode. For best visuals, I HIGHLY recommend you play this on gzdoom. Tools Used : WinDEU 5.24, Yadex, XWE, BSP, GLBSP ZenNode, The Gimp ------------- Description: ------------- There you have it... yet another episode in the Classic Doom style! This is a collection of previously released levels under the "classic" flag (namely classic10 and classic11) and some new levels. Originally the idea was to release a mini-episode of 3 levels under the name "Classic Trilogy", but I ended up with more than 3 levels, so I decided to try something different and create a full episode based around a HUB level to which you return after each level. I've always wanted to try that idea. ------- Story: ------- The events takes place on the planet Mars, parallel with the events on the moon bases of Phobos and Deimos. You are a marine, stationed as a guard at a UAC military research facility: The Singularity Complex. At this facility experiments are carried out with gravitational singularities to enable faster than light travel or even interdimensional jumps. The military applications of such a technology are obvious. Of course, the UAC wouldn't be the UAC if they didn't screw up big time and you just happen to be on duty when the brown stuff hits the fan. Isn't that just your luck? Your primary mission objective is containment: you must travel to the 4 locations on the planet that are linked to the Complex, eliminate all threats, return and close down the gate. Finally you must shut down the Singularity: a gateway to hell itself... Secondary mission objective: survival. -------- Levels: -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M1 Title : The Singularity Complex I Description : A small HUB style level. You fight your way to Gate #1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M2 Title : Mars Space Port Description : A short E2 base style level. Previously released as classic11, but very slightly modified here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M3 Title : The Singularity Complex II Description : A small HUB style level. You fight your way to Gate #2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M9 Title : Orbit Control Station Description : A medium size E1 base style level. This level is based on an unfinished level I had lying around and which I finally finished. Anthony Soto used parts of the level in classic7 and integrated them into another unfinished level of mine, so some areas may already seem familiar. This version is 100% my own incarnation though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M4 Title : The Singularity Complex III Description : A small HUB style level. You fight your way to Gate #3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M5 Title : Mercury Mining Facility Description : A rather large E1 base style level. Previously released as classic10 "Mercurius Pools". Some modifications have been done since that release. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M6 Title : The Singularity Complex part IV Description : A small HUB style level. You fight your way to Gate #4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M7 Title : Mars Technology Labs Description : A rather large E1 base style level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level : E1M8 Title : The Singularity Description : A small HUB style level. You fight your way to the HellGate and close it down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Credits: --------- I'd like to thank all the people I have worked with throughout my Dooming years and who have inspired me, provided valuable feedback and encouraged me to build levels. In no particular order I'd like to mention: André Majorel, Matt Dixon, Ola Björling, Anthony Soto, Nick Baker, Travers Dunne, Adam Williamson, Adam Windsor, Lee Killough, Lee Szymanski, John Bye, Richard Wiles, Derek MacDonald. Special thanks to id software, and John Romero in particular for creating the "Knee-Deep in the Dead" episode which started it all and which is still my main source of inspiration. ------------------------ Copyright / Permissions ------------------------ Authors may NOT use this WAD as a base to build additional WADs. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications and provided it is not sold as or bundled with a commercial product.