This wad is meant to be used primarly for multiplayer games such as deathmatch. By learning the secrets of this wad you will be able to give yourself the upp...
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================================================================ Title :WSCHEAT Filename :WSCHEAT.WAD Author :Walter Sanz Email Address :[email protected] Instructions: Place WSCHEAT.WAD and WSCHEAT.BAT in yout DOOM directory to run just type WSCHEAT. Description : This wad is meant to be used primarly for multiplayer games such as deathmatch. By learning the secrets of this wad you will be able to give yourself the upper hand over your fellow players by being able to lock yourself in a transparent control room and unleash several groups of monsters on the other players. From behind the protective barriers you can watch them battle the monster you send at them. You can also help them out via secret passages. To get you started there are eight hidden swith's In the largest room of this wad shown below. Bigdoor ------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Player 1 -E (By pool of blood) - Start Positon - - - - - - - INVISIBLE WALL->-=======================- - - D - - A - - C ------------------------- B Switches (SWITCHES ARE ACTIVATED BY PRESSING ON THE APPROPRIATE PART) (OF THE WALL) ) A = RAISES INVISIBLE WALL SEALING YOU IN THE BOTTON PART OF THE ROOM B = LOCKS THE BIG DOOR ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROOM SO THE OTHER PLAYERS CANNOT ESCAPE C = RAISES THE MAIN CONTROL PANNEL WHICH ALLOWS YOU RELEASE DEMONS AND OPEN THE SECRET PASSAGE LOCATED BY SWITCH C D = LOWERS THE INVISIBLE WALL E = ENDS LEVEL JUST IN CASE YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BARRIER AT THE MERCY OF ANOTHER PLAYER LIGHT BAR INSIDE SECRET PASSAGE = PRESSING ON IT UNLOCKS THE BIG DOOR STEPPING IN THE BLUE ROOM (IN THE SECRET PASSAGE) = STARTS CRUSHING CEILING KILLING EVERYTHING IN THE LARGE AND SMALLER HIDDEN ROOMS. Use last or you will kill all the monsters as well as the players. STEPPING IN THE RED ROOM (IN THE SECRET PASSAGE) = STOPS THE CRUSHING CEILING The switchs on the control pannel and in the hidden room I will leave for you to figure out. Of course using these switchs will on another player (expecially when playing in cooperative modem) will probably eliminate any kind of trust the other player ever had in you. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may do whatever you want with this file. * Where to get this WAD * BBS numbers: Psychodrom Radio BBS (713) 488-6817