This WAD is for DEATCHMATCH play !ONLY! I really don't know why anyone would want to play cooperative. DOOM was made for DEATHMATCH.
You played Ultimate DOOM... You got your kick out of Thy Flesh Consumed... Now you'll have your fun on Ultimate DOOM Deathmatch. A really well co...
Never let up off the RUN key. At least two exits out of every room makes catching/killing opponents difficult.
(You might remember this level as DETHE1M1. I've finally decided on a theme for my episode, so I added some graphics and here it is. I changed al...
As you wander across the surface of hell, you stumble across a village. Except for a few guards, it looks quiet enough. Although, the thick stone...
During the development of Switcheroom there were 18 additional maps made for the project that were rejected for various reasons. Such as not rese...
A castle with moats firplaces gaurds secret passage ways and a dungeon but if you really want more of a description play it!
The Second installment of the Lucifer Series
This is my first and level and its crude, but don't expect to make it threw the first time around. I suggest skill level one if you don't have at...
A collection of twelve classic-style maps by Phobosdeimos1, originally designed for "Doom the Way Id Did."
A remake of the Doom Press Release. I have converted the maps from the Doom Press Release version to work with vanilla doom. I have also included...
this is my first wad! i made it for my little bro for his birthday to practise deathmatching on! then he wanted to make doom levels and then he d...
OK, so... The year is 2147, the year when the events od DooM 1 and 2 occur. While the Doomguy is single-handedly participating in an unequal batt...
This map is actually for DTWID, but I decided to upload a file to the /idgames archive for the first time, and this was the only real complete ma...
Simply Phobos is an Episode 1 replacement for Doom. This is an upgrade that fixes a few bugs from the original release and has improved music.
The monsters came into my toilet!
Scene The site of A fusion reactor. Situation: CRITIAL; An infultration team entered the reactor a day ago to check on reports of missing persone...
These wads are designed to be primarily for Deathmatch play, but the author intended for them to be still useful and enjoyable for play by indivi...
Delphi; LaWang : Prodigy; ACNW23A : Local BBS; The Totem Pole, Flint Mich. (810) 238-1178 (Tell Al I said Hi!) This Single level .WAD will (hopef...