The Manor
A castle with moats firplaces gaurds secret passage ways and a dungeon but if you really want more of a description play it!
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================================================================ Title : The Manor Filename : MANOR.WAD Author : Michael-Paul Jakovlevski (don't try to pronunce it!) Email Address : none thank you Misc. Author Info : what else is there to say? Description : A castle with moats firplaces gaurds secret passage ways and a dungeon but if you really want more of a description play it! Hints and Advice :-Search for the armouries for they will serve your needs for the level (and beyond), there are two of them -Conserve your rockets because every manor has a lord(wink! wink!) -If, you reach this lord just stand in front and blast him! -Don't bother to kill the enemies that are impossible to get most of them will die when you reach the end -Avoid enemy fire with a passion there are no heaths scattered about Additional Credits to : ID doom for having the capablaty to play pwads (ingenius eh!), and DEU of course without which I couldn't add the demos. (ok, without it I couldn't do anything). The credits for the wad itself are only to me at this point. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Doom, Ultimate Doom (a Doom2 version is in the works) Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : why would I not? Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (this is not tested yet and you might end up in a small bright room with no exit, but who plays cooperative anyway) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : mosty definatly Yes Difficulty Settings : 1 to 5 baby New Sounds : No New Graphics : mabye next time New Music : just listen to it Demos Replaced : /1/2/3 nothn' special * Construction * Base : New level from scratch (it didn't itch though) Editor used : Deu (duh!) Known Bugs : If I knew they were there I'd take care of them! Known Unfixable Bugs : none. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels as long as they keep it and don't distribute it (in other words, I don't want clones competing with the real thing). If they do this, well I have my ways! You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format like BBS, Diskette, CD (yeah, right!), etc as long as you include this file(this exact file your reading) intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: don't know BBS numbers: don't care