I confess! I'm not a *true* DOOMer. I like the game the most at the HMP (He Must Practice ?!) level. I want to have some time to take a closer lo...
A circular arena with 4 raised areas accessible by stairs in the center of the arena. On the out- skirts of the arena, are 4 watch towers with ou...
This is my VERY first PWAD... I didn't expect to make masterpieces such as OPOST21.WAD or UAC_DEAD.WAD in my first try, but for those who choose ...
A deathmatch level originally developed as the official arena for the 1st Italian Doom Championship (Urbino, September 11-25, 1994), sponsored by...
Episode 1 replacement. These levels suxx. Since a very long time ago (96?), I started WAD editing with Deu. This is a bad mix of my very old leve...
Military base style level
My first wad, of many to come. Tough and will take some work to get through and uses all but the infamous BFG, but it is possible to complete wit...
This is my first wad and still my favorite. You need all three keys to finish, and you will have to do some backtracking. There is a Cyberdemon i...
the fabolous sequel of bleha.wad, whit a lot more of 1994-style levels! WOO-HOO!
Based heavily off of a map for Tribes 2. I modified the idea a bit aswell. Each team starts with the enemy flag in their base, they must take the...
Great stuff! Your mission: Kill and survive. You might also need to use your brain! ;)
I have done 18 levels before these. Some of them were intended to be included here but those got destroyed so I had to start all over. Wad has ne...
This is my best level so far. It turned out pretty nicely, I think. I wanted it to resemble a large gothic cathedral, and it sort of does (nice, ...
This, my second level, was constructed around a few of the ideas I like in some of the original DOOM levels, namely: The roof top walk in E3M3. T...
The Story: The Hell-spawn are a little POed with you. First you defeated them on Mars' moons and in Hell in DOOM, stopped their invasion of Earth...
It's been almost twenty years since you were | scheduled to beam in at Hell Keep, and it has been | remodelled by adherents to the school of FIRE...
A 4 level episode starting at e3m1 and finishing at e3m8. Unlike CPHOBOS, all of the secrets here have better hints to their existance. This epis...
This is an E2M1 level that could just as easily be an E1M1 version but to keep it out of shareware hands I made it an E2. (really guys, you shoul...
This level attempts to recreate that quintessential : experience that Episode 1 of DOOM instilled in me.
See for your self!
Vanilla E3 replacement for doom.wad on marble/wood/caves/hell themes. No custom textures but custom music on each map. The first half takes place...
A deliberately underdetailed replacement of all of DooM, following the themes of each episode. Update adds more ammo in e3, making all levels pos...
a short level (my first) par time: about 6 minutes with 100 % kills LMP file included .. (nearly perfect)
The map is small and deceptively simple, but there are lots of secrets and intentional red herrings. You definitely should not immediately charge...