Shamrock Base is a small level with heavy amounts of green since Saint Patrick's Day is coming up. The building the player starts in is shaped li...
An e1m1 type map.
You have esacped from hell and now you have to make your way back to home which is in the city. You must go though the biggest bookstore which ho...
This map was included in my huge project 'TGRDM3'(Morgenstern) that originally started back in 2007, but I finally decided to kill the project on...
A collection of 11 old and new dm maps for zdoom, from me.
In short: Having recently rediscovered how great Doom 2 DM still is I've decided to remake some of my ooold Doom 2 maps from 1995/1996 for the fu...
Very small map with mad polyobjects. You have to avoid them or you'll get crushed. If you're smart, you'll understand quickly how to reach the ex...
Earth lost contact with the scientists on Titan, one of the moons on Saturn. You've been sent to check it out.
Small, E1 style DM level.. please excuse the lack of detail.. I built it in only 7 days.
So that you know what this is I shall say right here, here is the most public and certain ZETA for your consumption and enjoyment. It started fro...
This wad contains tiny deathmatch level, using some ZDooM features like slopes, perfect for 2-8 players
18 maps by 12 authors, all themed for LMS. The maps are FFA-compatible and should we played with at least 4 players, some maps can handle even ov...
This is my first map in about 6 months. This is also my first deathmatch map. It is simple. I put it together for a LAN party. A main building in...
A fun deathmatch level made in 3 days.
I have constructed a demo of the 4 current top stages in DTCA. I hope you enjoy it.
Definitive version of Canary Squadron to replace all previous versions. This version has been tested all the way through in Doom95 to ensure it's...
You are Doomguy but you somehow got transported into Pacman's world! ---Read bottom of this file!---
Just another couple of levels by me. nothin too was supposed to be 1 level, but seeing as i put in a bunch of new weapons i tried to mak...
zodiac2e.wad contains two cycles of 12 maps each, plus a bonus map. They are for Deathmatch only and need ZDoom/ Zdaemon for some special effects...