This map has taken me an extremly long time to make. It is basically a tech based map with many strange new uses for scripting. It is my first fu...
Sorry for the last time I did this. Reduced the demons and ammo. Also did some
This wad is better than your pile of crap.<br><br> Read the story below for a real description.
A big map for Doom 2 containing a few fights with hordes of enemies.
READ THIS!!!!!!!!! This is actually a second version of this WAD being submited to the /idgames because the first one suffered from missing textu...
A little map inspired by AgentSpork's masterpiece and megawad project "Simplicity"
A remake of the Unreal Tounament 99 deathmatch map, Tempest. Can be played Single or Multiplayer, although its main purpose is deathmatch.
First off, you can't win.<br><br> Monster spawning pads surround the center area, which is where you spawn, and where ammo and some health spawns...
Twisted Dimension is the best of my works so far, and also the most creative. It's originally based off of my very old map Death Arena, in which ...
The first edition of the Tlsxctf series
You are having a nightmare. And nobody can wakes you up...
The Infernal Castle was mainly designed for single player but can also be played in coop or deathmatch mode (not tested).
Started in 2009-ish, Coffee Break was intended to be another 32 map megawad. Unfortunately, due to a busy schedule, laziness, and other excuses, ...
A first attempt to try out building a short 3 level wad. There is many custom enemies, as well as weapons. This is a good for someone who is an a...
An addon for Doom2 ZDOOM with three new levels, new music/graphics, lots of ACS scripts, a dehacked patch and a storyline. These maps were made w...
It is revamped version of my old never released map for Doom1. The main purpose: Playable in both SP and DM. I haven't got any testers so I tried...
9 map ZDoom episode for Doom 2.
"The last thing you remember is trying to leave this god-forsaken temple of evil and chaos, only to find yourself being blown to bits by several ...
Scars of the Wounded Prey just wasn't hard enough. So this wad outdoes it in every aspect. Jumping and crouching required. Choice of "Tough" and ...
A Tech-styled (mostly) megawad for ZDoom. My first
14 maps by 9 authors, all themed for LMS. Wad made a month. The maps are FFA-compatible and should we played with at least 4 players, some maps c...
In Italy they have a thing called "Presepe" (Crib), a scenographic rappresentation of the Nativity. I tried to do the same using the DooM monster...