This is a FFA or 1on1 (a bit big for it) that is completely dedicated to Dylan McIntosh, other wise known as Toke who passed away in a care crash...
The Monsters of doom planning an attack on the Marines, but you're the salvation (as always), I sent via teleporter to DooM Town, where deves kil...
This is a compilation of levels from the Doom Community
This is a recreation of Quake's E1M7 in ZDoom.
First Level ever, meant to be a dark, gothic level set up as an abattoir (or slaughterhouse for those who don't
A small collaberation of maps by various members of the Random Chaos
3 big battle rooms, to test your Doom ability. Only once you pass these 3 obsticles, then and ONLY then, can you claim the 'DOOM GOD' Trophy and ...
This wad is the prequel to GAMMA. I implied that the story would make sense once you played the prequel, so here's the story: Colonel Burlap, Lin...
a bunch of ACS minigames cramed into one room.
You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May God be with you.
One single player level. Requires the latest
An (obviously) symmetrical map set in a hellish marble temple-like thing. Some frantic close-quarters battles as well as more open areas. The pow...
My version of Dead Simple, REQUIRES ZDoom
Map i made for derp. Decided to upload here bcuz why not?
Single Player level for ZDoom
Atop a ridge overlooking this arena, Hissy awaits the next victim to fall to a superior warrior, so that she may absorb the loser's soul...
This is just a simple music wad for Knee Deep in Zdoom, as a soundtrack for KDIZD was promised but not delivered. All tracks are remixes of stand...
I know I'll probably be hated for this release, but this is more or less an archive of several old, unreleased levels and feature demos that I fe...
Pinochestein 3D edicion GL (GL edition) is a total conversion of the original pinochestein 3D that tries to take the best advantage of the new fe...
Map 17 of The Cyberdemon Army takes place in a Military Base
A ton of insane weapons. They are a bit overpowered, like in p0wer weap0ns, but they are also insane. :P
Note: This wad requires the Skulltag resources to be loaded, which should come with Zandronum. 18 extremely difficult invasion maps for Skulltag/...
Vile Flesh is a full 32 level replacement for Doom2. You'll find the fist few levels are perhaps more reminicent of the original Doom, and as you...
The initial basic idea was to make a "Doom style" map with fairly transparent ZDoom upgrades. To clarify, a lot of maps today depart significantl...