New weapons and monsters appearing via random spawners. Basically, an "ultra randomizer" mod. Also it includes quite a few different sets of mons...
I created this level for the Zauberer project. Ice Prison is a small Hexen level set in a prison placed in a icy region. I would be the ideal beg...
HUGE Big Open Polygon Arena..MANY WEAPONS, EarthQuake SOunz in Hidden spots, So if you Like Many Heart Racing Fragz THIS WADS FOR YOU!!
Resources for Capture the Flag in Heretic. So far, this contains a bunch of stuff and not just flags or broken skins. There's been a small chunk ...
Hexen version of my ICU Heretic dm wad.
Eight 360-degree skys, made from Quake 2 screenshots. (3 from Quake 2, 3 from The Reckoning and 2 from Ground Zero)<br><br> Despite the limits of...
You stagger through the portal which opened in front of you as Korax's foul body crashed to the ground. Immediately, you are engulfed in mystical...