AEons of Death

New weapons and monsters appearing via random spawners. Basically, an "ultra randomizer" mod. Also it includes quite a few different sets of monsters, filter...

AEoD_1.pk3, aeod.pk3, AEoD.pk3
314.87 MB
WAD Type
GZDoom, ZDoom

Read Me

Advanced engine needed	: GZDoom >= r1231 or Zdoom >= r3274 
Primary purpose		: Single player only
Title			: AEons of Death
Version			: 6.0
Filename		:
Release date		: 12-18-11
Author			: DBThanatos, Major Cooke & the AEoD development team
Email Address		: [email protected]
Other Files By Author	: Dream of Magic 2.0,  SuperDoom3 Take II, Dream Of Magic 1.0.
			  As part of "The persecution complex" team: Paranoid and "The
			  Phobos Directive".
Misc. Author Info	: "You probably think Im not a nice person" -Postal Dude
Description		: New weapons and monsters appearing via random spawners.
			  Basically, an "ultra randomizer" mod. Also it includes quite a
			  few different sets of monsters, filtered by game or theme.
Additional Credits to	: A lot of people. See bottom of the file.

* What is included *

New levels		: Titlemap
Sounds			: Yes
Music			: Optional
Sprites			: Yes
Dehacked Patch		: Yes
Other			: Many (G)Zdoom specific lumps
Demos			: No
Other files required	: Just ZDoom/Gzdoom and any DOOM2 IWAD
Additional notes	: This mod is intended for GZDoom, and while it might work in ZDoom,
			  I cant guarantee it's complete functionality, plus, it might look
			  like crap since many of the GFX take advantage of the hardware
			  true color renderer.
			  SKULLTAG is definitely not supported, and because of the very 
			  nature of the mod, it wont be supported anytime.

* Play Information *

Game			: DOOM2
Single Player		: Designed for.
Cooperative 2-4 Player	: No.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player	: No.
Difficulty Settings	: New skill definitions

* Construction *

Base			: AEoD v1.0
Build Time		: AEoD started the december 18-05, first release in april 24-06;
			  Still a WIP. V6.0 release on 12-18-11
Editor(s) used		: XWE, Wintex, NWTPro, Slumped, MsPain, ACD 7.0, Irfanview,
			  GFE, slumped, Cool Edit Pro 2.1, WadAuthor, Microsoft word 2000
			  Microsoft Excel, corel draw, Photoshop CS4, 3DS Max, Audacity,
			  Spricer, PNGoptimizer, Programmer's Notepad, QME, Slade, and quite
			  a few more over all this years.
Known Bugs		: See the "Emergency exit button" section below
May Not Run With...	: Anything but Zdoom r3274 or GZdoom r1231
WILL NOT RUN WITH...	: Skulltag



This mod is designed to run with almost any vanilla megawad of DooM2. You
should run the game with the AEoD PK3(s) AT THE END of the command line which
should look something like:

  C:\Zdoom\Zdoom.exe -file customwad.wad AEoD.PK3 AEoDdat.pk3

"customwad.wad" : Means which custom megawad you will use, if any.


You can use the bat file AEoDv6.bat. Double clinking on it will run AEoD as long as
both AEoD.pk3 and AEoDdat.pk3, and the engine files are in the same folder where the .bat
is located. 

Also, to run a pwad (i.e. a mapset) with AEoD you can drag the pwad into the .bat mentioned
above, and it will run/add it automatically. 



* Important notes *

- You must use GZDoom >= r1231 or Zdoom >= r3274 

- NEW WEAPON CLASSIFICATION ORDER!!! No more doom-type or arsenal organization, now we're 
basing it on power.  Just because something spawns in a BFG spawner doesn't  mean it's 
going to be in slot 7.

--1. Hand-held explosives/misc
--2. Melee weaponry
--3. Starter weapons/pistols/shotguns
--4. Super shotguns/Slower rapid-fire weaponry
--5. Normal rapid-fire weaponry
--6. Explosive weaponry
--7. Superior rapid-fire weaponry
--8. Higher explosive/rapid weaponry
--9. Extreme explosive/rapid weaponry
--10. Super-weapons

- Due to the design of the new HUDs, is heavily recommended that you (user) set
the messages to appear centered on the screen

Also "Minimum Message Level" to "Obituaries". This is to avoid getting a lot of
(unnecesary) messages in the screen that might cover your stats.

- Not imperative but is very recommended to use the mouse as the weapons now change
the view pitch a little (depeding on the weapon)

- AEons of death will not run in skulltag, btw.


* What's new? *

At first sight, AEoD v6 is like the previous releases, where you play as your standard
marine vs a rather eclectic selection of monsters and weapons, all mashed together to
create the most massive randomizer out there. 

However, there's a few differences between this and the v5.X releases.

			- Monster/weapon spawning -

Entering at the menu options, right at the top you'll see a submenu that reads
"AEoD Game Type Selection". Inside you'll find several options which will affect monster
and weapon spawning.

Generalized themes: That is where of all the monsters available in AEoD, they are filtered
		to "match" the appropiate "theme"

  Demonesque: Mostly standard doom and doomlike monsters, plus other demonic entities.
	Includes pretty much Doom, Doom64, Hellspawn and Powerslave
  Dark Sci-fy: A darker set of magic mixed with some tech. Blood, Quake, Shadow-
	warrior & Rise of the Triad.
  Fantasy/Magic: The general fantasy type of theme. Heretic, Hexen 1 & 2 and Might and
	Magic are there.
  High tech: Self explanatory. Mostly the robot and cyborgs, and high tech entities.
	Some from Half life 2, Quake 2 & 4 and Strife
  Aliens: The most obvious aliens around. Half life, part of Half life 2 and Duke Nukem.

Game-specific themes: Simply put, the monsters from this games, with extra AEoD exclusive
		versions to fill the monster spawners, or just to add some variety.
  Duke Nukem 3D
  Half Life
  Half Life 2
  Hexen 2
  Might & magic
  Quake 2
  Quake 4
  Shadow Warrior

The weapons that you'll find around per game or theme, are random. However, each one
in their own "class". Expect to find magic weapons in the magic/fantasy themes or
games. Same with tech and non so tech. Dont be surprised to find weapons that dont
seem to belong though, since that's supossed to happen. Just hope to have ammo for
those ;)

Special modes: Includes 2 items

  Classic AEoD: The classic version of the mod. Massive random spawners. There's no
	difference between just start the mod right away, and choosing this option.
	It is there just in case you started with some other mode, and then decided
	to start again, but in classic mode. Considering everything spawns randomly
	(with their own restrictions based in classes), the difficulty varies a lot
	from gameplay to gameplay. Depends of what monsters you find, and what
	weapons you get in the way. Mindless fun.
	Worth to mention, this mode has all those monsters from the games/themes and
	some others exclusive to this mode.

  Left 4 Dead: This is a completely different game style, where monsters arent in a
	fixed location. Zombies will appear wherever they feel like, trying to beat
	the crap out of you. This one can prove to be really difficult, since zombies
	pretty much go through each other, allowing a multitude of them to hit you
	at the same time. While they're weak, having 20 zombies hitting you and
	blocking your path, can be really troublesome, considering they magically
	climb ledges of up to 128 map units, which is the standard measure from floor
	to ceiling. They'll climb a lot, and they'll hunt you all day long. However
	weapons spawn frequently, same with ammo and health. Bigger zombies spawn too,
	with their special behavior or methods for damage.
	In this mode, you start with the 2 pistols already, and a SPAS Shotgun, and some
	good ammo for 'em. You'll need it. Also, you start with some powerups to help
	you in case you get some nasty zombies around right away. Fear rune will prove
	to be your friend, and that's why, if at the beginning of a map, you dont have
	one, you'll magically get one. Use it wisely.
	While there is a very limited selection of monsters that will spawn, the weapons
	are completely random, as in Classic AEoD mode, where you'll get magic, high 
	tech or whatever. Ammo is the same case.
	This mode is not exactly fair, as it can get really easy or really difficult
	and no one is expecting players to finish the game like this. Just to have 
	some fun with it and call it a day.

When you go to the menu to select one of the modes, you'll have to put the cursor over the
option you want, click or activate it with the "Enter" key. You'll hear a sound to confirm
that this option was selected and activated. Whenever you start a game with the new
configuration, you'll get a big text telling you which mode you are playing.

				- Spells -

Something else that is new in this version is the absence of the Spellbook you saw in v5.
Dont worry though, the spells are there, but not in the same fashion. You'll still find
the spells around (most commonly in the magic themes/games), but when you pick them,
instead of having pull up the whole book to use them, you can access them directly on the
HUD. You'll have to configure the keys first.

	Menu->Options->Customize controls->AEons of Death spells

There you'll see several options. You can bind a key to use directly one of the available
spells, or you can bind "next" or "previous spell" to cycle through the available ones,
and another key to use the one currently selected. 

With the dedicated keys to use a single spell only, you cannot use an spell you havent 
found. In the right side of the HUD you'll see the icons of the spells you currently have. 
When you cycle through them it shows the spell name too, but here's the list as how they 

HUD 	Spell	Ammo
A 	Chaos	2
C 	Charm	1
D	Defile	2
I	Drain	1
M	Morph	3
R	Raise	2
T	Terror	1

So, if you see only the A and I, it means you have only the Chaos and Drain spells. If you
press a previously bound key to use Morph, nothing will happen. 

At all times you'll see the Dark Mana icon in the right side of the HUD, and whenever you
have some available Dark Mana, it will show the amount there. If suddenly you dont see it
anymore, it means you ran out of mana. Each spell uses different amounts, shown in the
chart above.

	-Spell descriptions-

In case you're not familiar with what each spell does here's the list.
  Chaos: When it hits a monster, weak-to-medium monsters around will target that monster.
	That does not makes those monsters your allies, they just temporarily focus their
	attention to the monster that received the impact of the Chaos Spell. Really
	useful to get rid or at least distract heavy or extremely annoying monsters.
  Charm: Will turn a monster into your ally. That's a permanent effect, however, the
	stronger the monster, the less chance to charm it. Dont bother with Cyberdemon
	or Spider Mastermind classes, that will not work. 
  Defile: Upon hitting a monster, will infect it. Whenever an infected monster dies, it
	spawns a little swarm of bugs that will attack your foes. Also, there's an small
	chance that whenever an infected monster is walking around, the bugs will simply
	burst out of the infected killing it in the process. The stronger the monster, the
	less chance to infect it. Keep in mind that if a monster is disintegrated, no bugs
	will spawn; since the host was completely destroyed, the bugs inside it were too.
	Really useful to create a little army of bugs to bug you enemies.
  Drain: Will shoot an energy ball that will seek into enemies. When hitting an enemy, it
	will keep absorbing life out of it (you'll notice the energy ball grows as this
	happens), and after a little, the ball will return to you and give you the life 
	it stole.
  Morph: Upon hitting a monster, it will morph it into a chiken, making it much easier to
	kill or to just to neutralize it. Not all monsters can be morphed though. Many
	monsters from the medium-strong classes are immune, while bosses are guaranteed to
	be immune.
  Raise: It will summon a red ghost that will attack your foes, or enter a corpse to
	resurrect it. If the ghost takes too much damage from hostiles, it will turn white
	and in that phase, it wont be able to attack anymore, but it will still be able to
	raise a fallen monster.
  Terror: When it hits a monster, it will run away from you. This is not a temporary effect
	like the fear rune, however, it affects only the monster it hits, and is not an
	area of effect like the fear rune. Really useful to get rid of that monster that
	you're unable to kill for a lack of ammo or health. However, again, the stronger
	the monster, the less chance to be terrorized.

				- The powerups -

Also, in case you're not familiar with the available powerups in AEoD, here's the list of 
the ones you can carry:

* Cup of Mana - Refills some of all types of mana	
* Force Cube - Use this and a floating cube will appear in front of you and attack anything
  nearby. Can use up to two at once.
* Ice Shield - When you use this, the air around you will become bitterly cold, freezing   
  anything that comes close to you.
* Thunderstorm Rune - Lightning bolts will periodically come down and strike any enemies 
  in the area
* Fear Rune - Most enemies will run away from you.
* Drain Rune - Use this and every time you damage an enemy, that damage is transferred to 
  you as health.
* Invisibility Rune - You become partially invisible, making it harder for enemies to 
  target you.
* Time Rune - Stops time for a few seconds
* Earth Symbol - Considerable damage reduction
* Fire Symbol - Your weapons will do more damage. It doesn't last long though, so make the 
  most of it.
* Water Symbol - Your health will slowly regenerate
* Air Symbol - Gives you the ability to fly around
* Pentagram of Protection - Protection from all damage
* Life Urn - Grants you 250 health
* Bracers - Grants you 60 armor
* Stone of Quickening - Increases your speed and weapon firing rate
* Stone of Temperance - Grants you immunity to ripping damage (projectiles don't pass 
  through) and most explosion damage. It also makes enemy projectiles unable to home in 
  on you. And on top of that, you get some damage reduction.
* Stone of Restoration - Your health, armor, and ammo will gradually regenerate
* Icon of Summoning - Throw this on the ground and you will summon a Heresiarch to attack 
  enemies for a short time.
* Diabolical Dice - Roll this and a random effect will occur. It can be good, or it can be 
  bad. You can carry up to three dice, which can also be carried between maps. The effects 
  differ depending on how many dice you have when you use them.

				- Weapon slots -

Since v5 a system was implemented to limit the amount of weapons you can carry at the same
time. This is on by default, allowing you to carry only 3 weapons per slot. This can be
turned off by binding a key in the controls.

  Main Menu->Options->Customize Controls->Weapons->Toggle Weapon limits

Is recommended to have it ON to have more control over the weapons you carry, but of course
this is completely optional, and you may change it any time you need.

If you have it on, sometimes you might run out of ammo for a weapon, which will be
deselected. You might then find another weapon of the same slot you want to pick, but
you cant because the weapon with no ammo cant be selected. That's the standard Doom
behavior, where you wont be able to pull up a weapon without ammo, however, this can be
changed in the options.

  Main Menu->Options->Gameplay Options->Check Ammo for weapons switch.

Is recommended to have it as "NO", because like in the example above, if is "yes", then you
wont be able to select the weapon to drop it. With this as "no" you can pull it up even if
you have no ammo for it.

 *** IMPORTANT ***

Remember that AEoD has it's own Drop weapon key that you will need to configure. You'll 
find that in the menu:

  Main Menu->Options->Customize Controls->Weapons->AEoD Drop Weapon

With AEoD running there is no other drop weapon listed, however, the console command
"weapdrop" can still be used, and that will break the weapon system too. Do not use that
one in AEoD.

				- Anti Cheat Sytem -

This mod is really massive and has a ton of weapons, however, there are certain cheats to
obtain them, and that has 2 negative repercussions. It spoils all the secret weapons the
mod might have for you, and worst, it will break the weapon system for the drops. To prevent
this from happening, an anti cheat system was added, where, if it detects you have in
possession a weapon that wasnt obtained through the regular methods (basically, if you
cheated to get it) it will play a rather annoying sound and will print a mocking message.

Yes, that is annoying. And that's on purpose.

However, it can be turned off in the menu too. 

  Main menu->Options->Gameplay options->AntiCheat system->Enable/disable system.

Just put the cursor over the option you want, and activate it. You'll hear a sound 
confirming that the option you selected was activated. Due to some limitations, we cannot
make it a single option with "yes/no" display. But just select the one you want, activate
it and you're done. Of course, by selecting "Disable System", even if the game detects you
cheated to get it, it will do nothing. 

This whole thing was made to prevent people from reporting issues generated by systen that
gets broken with the cheats. If a user is smart enough to read this file and see that it 
can be turned off, the I have no problem to let that user cheat and see what there's 

So, good for you! If you're reading this, you're smart! Congrats!

			- Weapon name and powerup description -

It is possible to have a text displaying the name of the weapon you just switched to, and
the description of the powerups you carry. This is a neat little option in (G)Zdoom. You
can enable it in the menu:

  Main Menu->Options->HUD options->Display Nametags

"Items" will show only the powerup descriptions when scrolling through them.
"Weapons" for weapons only, when switching weapons through "WeapNext" or "WeapPrev".
"Both" ... I guess you can figure this one out.

					- HUDs -

There are 3 HUDs included in AEoD. You can switch them by increasing or decreasing the
area of the window that is used to show the actual game (usually bound to the keys
between "0" and the "Backspace" in the alphanumeric area of the keyboard)

There's also an ALT HUD option in (g)Zdoom, but be warned that it will interfere big time
with the Spells display, so the use of the ALT HUD is strongly discouraged.

You can Enable/Disable said ALT HUD in the menu:

  Main Menu->Options->HUD options->Alternative HUD->Enable Alternative HUD

			- Nightmare skill / The Director -

AEons of Death v6 introduces a completely new take on the Nightmare skill. Instead of
having monsters respawning themselves over and over in the map, making the experience more
frustrating than anything, AEoD v6 brings an idea from somewhere else. 

Inspired by Left 4 Dead's AI director of the very same nature, the Director is considered
a "replacement" for the Nightmare difficulty. Instead of super fast monsters that respawn
every one to several minutes, the Director is a new challenge that plays roughly at the same
as "Hurt Me Plenty".

The Director accompanies the player through every map they play in and, after a set amount 
of time, activates to begin it's spawning capabilities. This means monsters that would not 
normally be found in some maps have the potential to show up now. You need not worry, for 
he knows when you are beginning a new game and will go light on you for a little while.

Not only does he generate new monsters, but he tends to give rewards too... If you hear
monsters around that you didn't see before, go looking if you have the firepower. Chances
are there's a stockpile of much needed ammo, health, and perhaps a new weapon or two
awaiting those who are daring enough to fight for it.

It should be noted that the Director is oriented for regular doom actor spawning, so this
means he works with every single game type and theme. Give him a shot for a "special"

So, this mode can get really hard too, but is a fun experience compared to the vanilla
Nightmare skill. You're not expected to finish the game like this, but perhaps just to
test yourself, your luck and your skill.

				- Emergency exit button -

In vanilla Doom and Doom 2, there are in total 5 special maps that activate certain things
when the monster of certain class die. In AEoD it still works the same, but due to having
so many monsters, even after the best efforts of the team to have it working, very rarely
a monster might not activate the special when killed, which might result in player getting
stuck in that map. Due to this, AEoD also has a configurable key called "AEoD emergency 
exit" that you can configure at the very bottom of the key configuration. Upon using it,
the triggers will be activated and the specials will happen. The special maps and their
monster triggerers are:

  - E1M8: Baron of hell
  - E2M8: Cyberdemon
  - E3M8: Spidermastermind
  - E4M8: Spidermastermind

Doom 2
  - MAP07: Mancubus & Arachnotron

So, say, you're in map 07, and somehow, the doors didnt open after you killed all the 
mancubi replacements, therefore, the outside area where the arachnotrons is not opening. At
that moment, is when this key will come useful. Upon pressing the key, a message will appear
and the doors will open, aswell as the floor raising to reach the exit, allowing you to go
and kill all the other monsters too, while the exit will be available already. Or if in 
E2M8 after killing the cyberdemon nothing happens and the episode doesnt end, then by 
pressing the key, the episode will end.

This key is technically considered a cheat and can be abused/misused to skip large parts of
a map, or to completely skip battles in the specific maps. So, it's up to the player when
he/she uses this key. Skipping the boss fights at the end of the Doom(1) chapters is an easy
way out, but where's the fun in that? The use of this key is under the player's 

It should be used only when the player finds himself stuck in the mentioned levels, even
after killing all the player could.


* Frequently Asked Questions *
  Okay, for now this is the only "problem"

  1. I tried running this in Skulltag but I... 
	See above the Troubles section: Aeons of death will not run with skulltag, period. 
	They do not have the flags Zdoom 2.4.1 has, and unless they decide to implement 
	them, it won't ever happen. Sorry.
  2. I'm running Zdoom and I get errors about unknown flags! 
	Double check to make sure you have the latest Zdoom version (if Gzdoom, make sure 
	it's fully compatible with the latest). If it still gives you an error like this, 
	try getting the latest Zdoom and GZdoom DRD revision builds found here:

- AEons of death will not run in skulltag btw. Did I mention that before?.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT modify this modification nor distribute modified versions of it.
Authors MAY however, re-use any* part of this mod for any other project as long as credits
are given, and a link is provided to the AEoD team. You can find us at:

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. 
You may distribute this file in any electronic format as long as you include this file

If you will use any part of the mod, just give credits to the authors of the things 
you'll use, and if you don't know who made something here, just give credit to this mod,
which gives credits to (hopefully) all the sources we used

*Only exceptions being the Deathbringer Thanatos monster's graphics and/or sounds and the
titlemap song.



* The credits list *

I'm going to list them as they come to my mind, not in a specific order:

  Cory Whittle: "Immoral conduct", some graphics for the grenades.
  Marc A. Pullen: "QDOOM" the quake sound gallery.
  Xaser (0verp0wer Weap0ns)
  Fiend (Divine Intervention 2)
  Sphagne (ZDoom Sin Weapon Pack 1)
  Jason Mezzacca (A L | E N S: the total convertion)
  The Innocent Crew (Obituary 1.1, updated version)
  Wraithchilde (Sirens)
  DD_133 and various others (for Marines & Monsters Pack)
  BlackFish (Counter-Doom: EDGE, the sprites for "siren of the woods")
  Espi (Guns PC v1.261)
  Ænima (blood 2 SGM rip)
  MasterOFDeath (i|\|5@|\|i1y W3@p0|\|5!) (also, to all people he gave credits to)
  Daniel: "armas/Weapons#(various)", the behavior for the soul reaver.

  Samuel Villarreal (Doom64: The Absolution) he thanks:
        ID Software
        all memebers of Doom Depot

  Eric Ou for DemonEclipse weapons.

  To J.K. Rowling (You know the "dementor" idea of a monster)

  Captain Toenail

  Reilsss weapon enhancements credits:
      Reilsss give credits for the weapons to the creators of the following mods:
        zen dynamics
        le-guns2.wad & le-guns3.wad
      And to the creators of the following games:
        unreal tournament
        serious sam
        serious sam 2
        red faction      

  -Shitbag for Happy Time Circus
  -FDARI for the whole code pointers that allowed so many new things in this mod
  -Ryan Cordell for the footsteps through ACS
     He also credits
	"Credit goes to SolarSnowfall for the base, HotWax for optimization 
	on the script, Isle for further optimization, Kate for even further 
   For the images used for the titlemap:
	I NetGraFx

Thanks to for hosting so many useful things
From that site, thanks to the following users for the blood decals:

   Major Cooke credits and -thank you- list:
   -Xaser: For letting me rip the Mephisto shotgun from Psychic.
   -Ichor: For being the brains behind a lot of the weapons code. Also for making the 
	regular ROTT enemies when I fell into development hell for that short 
	period of time.
   -Reilsss: For being the brawn behind the new weapons graphics and sounds.
   -Bouncy: For helping me learn how to create my first monster, El Oscuro.
   -DBThanatos: The old HHH graphics. For constantly being able to put up with my bitching, 
	bad jokes, sour attitude, and appreciating all the good things we did for each 
	other. I love you bro. <3 
   -Apogee: Rise of the Triad resources
   -3D Realms: "I am the SHADOW WARRIOR!" - For Lo Wang.
   -Croteam: Serious Sam sounds for the cannon
   -Myself: Creator of the hand cannon, cannon balls, volcano cannon, mephisto shotgun 
	implimentation, *censored by DBT* reskin and coding, gluon gun, tome of set, 
	inferno syphon, AWP, and Hand of God. Also brought in El Oscuro, NME, 
	Sebastian Krist, and General Darian.
   -You, the players: For reading this readme file and for playing Aeons of Death. 
	I love you all. <3

   Major Cooke credits (v6):
   -FDARI: The code pointers are like a gift from God himself. We certainly wouldn't have
	been able to pull off things such as the Flail gun if it weren't for you.
   -Gez: For helping me (and basically doing for me) the PainType and DeathType
   -People Can Fly: For making such ass-kicking games such as Painkiller, it's
	expansion "Battle Out of Hell" and Bulletstorm
   -Shtbag667: For letting me use the Happy Time Circus resources. You're awesome!
   -VALVe: For the L4D inspiration to come up with the Director, and for Half Life 2,
	Portal 1 & 2, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, and Team Fortress 2.
   -Ichor and Reilsss: For failing to help out this time around, you SORRY LITTLE
	SLACKERS! Naw, just kidding. I love you guys.
   -DBThanatos: For this time around, it was a two man team. You and I. We've done it.
	We've made THE BEST of the best out of AEons of Death. Gone are the bestiary
	monsters, and in comes fresh new monsters and weapons ripped straight by 
	our hands! And thank you for taking me seriously about the whole *CENSORED* mode.
	You're like a brother to me, and I love you like one.
  All People involved in the creation of this fantastic games:
      DooM, DooM II & DooM III
      Hexen II
      Quake II
      Quake 4
      Diablo II
      Duke Nukem
      Blood II
      Half-Life 2
      American McGee's Alice
      Redneck Rampage
      Rise of the Triad
      Shadow Warrior
      Portal & portal 2
      Team Fortress 2
      Left 4 Dead 1 & 2

   Rex Claussen: Creator of the test map used for extensive testing in v6.
   Sekto (contributions to the mod)
   Lord Misfits (contributions to the mod)
   Serious Cacodemon (contributions to the mod)
   Cenobite321 (1st Trailer of the mod)
   Hotwax (for the "deaf" script help and the idea to make work map07!)
   SysOp - HL2 models for HL1 (visit
   AlphEnt2 - Quake 4 weapons pre processed
   AdoC - 4th titlemap's pic (visit - The other titlepics (

AEoD official testers:

Emerit AEoD developers:
  Bouncy: Emerit AEoD developer.
  Ichor: Emerit AEoD developer. Design and implementation of the spells in v5, 
	implementation of weapon limit system. Major bugfixer for v5.
  Reilsss: Emerit AEoD developer. Main weapon designer & sound compiler for v5. 
	New menu graphics & titlemap base for v5. Current host.

AEoD active developers for v6:
  Major Cooke.

That was a very large credit list. We apologize if we're forgetting anyone.


AEons of death is a modification for (G)zdoom brought to you by the AEoD development team

Suggestions are really considered, send them to my email:

  [email protected]

Or visit us over at

As always, a long time was dedicated to finish this version. Hope you enjoy it.

  "always expect some more"

-The AEoD team