A space station floating around The Moon.
You start off aboard your UAC Marine transport. Out of a crew of 4, 2 have already gone down to the surface and failed to report in at the predet...
Here it is; the second demo of the Flashback megawad. Designed in the spirit of the original levels, with doom.exe compatibility. Hope you'll enj...
After making a large map with slopes, scripts, all new resources and whatnot, I felt like making something very basic.
New, updated version of E2M1, with a few combative suprises... it 'seems' classic....
A deliberately underdetailed E1-styled episode made for playing. Updated to fix some general gameplay issues - HOM, damage effects, and weird ene...
Night has finally fallen, and all Hell has broken loose! You wake up in a pool of blood watching your buddy get tortured... You'll put an end to ...
Setting: Far'way planet, stuck in a demon infested millitary base, running for you life, taking pot shots at mutilated space marine buddies... nu...
This is the deathmatch version of our level. We will be putting out the single player version out soon!
As you kill the last of the Barons on Phobos, you hear a crackle over your communicator. It's information (and of course, orders) from Earth. The...
The first four levels of Phobos: Anomaly Reborn, a partial conversion for Doom/Ultimate Doom. The story is included in Story.html
In this mission you must kill a spammer who sent me an insulting e-mail. He lives in a huge condominium so you have to use only silenced weapons....
This is a deathmatch wad I made and it's not really intended for single player or co-op although you can play it with those methods. For deathmat...
Seven days ago the "Mayfair" issued a distress call. The Mayfair is a deep exploratory vessel and is currently scouting a black hole in sector 95...
This is a beta version of the level. I still have to finish the level, if you have any ideas for how to finish the level, please e-mail me!!
You are on Rim, a planet covered with water. Small but neat map.
The first 8 levels of this wad were created by me with the intention of using them in deathmatch mode with my buddies. I did try to build them so...
This Pwad is intended as the secret level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode. No hint's, but be afraid, be very afraid... ... and have...
Sort of a prison complex for Doom. Works only with registered version.
Something odd has happened at the old abandoned church at the top of the hill. It's close to midnight and you mount the hill to investigate the s...
After your training, you are ready for your first mission. Your objective is to infiltrate Wills' house called "The jokewads factory" and assassi...