A very crappy level... It's my FIRST!
DEHACKED mod, compatible with any source port and even the original game. For a long time, I've been experimenting with improving balance of Doom...
"Instead of being victorious over the rampaging armies of Hell, you find yourself once again wandering the wastelands, in search of a way out."
Inspired by Doom I's E2M4 but from scratch. Hope you enjoy!
Early maps by Adolf Vojta, a few of which were later modified and appeared in Kama Sutra
Three (3) seperate patches, which replace certain DooM 2 weapons with Lucas Arts' Dark Forces weapons. Also, these are "new" , not the old crappy...
Two players DM wad, several rooms, cool ambush spots (a little thought required) great for killing your best bud. It's Got It All!! Sorry no ATM.
Contains Blueworrior MIDI submissions to the Freedoom project in one WAD.
Another fantastic piece of crap, a entire E4 replacement done in somenthing like 70 minutes, but there's no secret map, sorry... btw the story is...
One man, one difficulty and a lot of demons. Battle you way through against demons in order to escape Mars.