This is my first wad released on the web. This is a fairly simple level and is intended as the first in a new multi-level episode. See below for ...
You and your friends have decided to train on grounds you may find on a real mission. Within you find a temple with an exit leading outside and a...
Single player map for Doom2.
Wad for DOOM2 built for being played #single#, #cooperative# and #deathmatch#. Include diferent levels. At last Iïve had enough time to finish nu...
Tight outdoor battle area, well connected to higher walkways. Atrium style with bridge across level.
Simple 2048x2048 map. Right?
This is a custom pwad that was designed for some friends at a local Incredible Universe, but it was designed for 2 to 4 player deathmatch. There ...
Well, this level is my house. Nuff Said. :)
Chainguns, Chainsaws, barrels and a dark room. Deathmatch doesn't get any better than this!
The Germans have been practicing experiments and have found an alternative energy source that is infinite! No more need for oil, gas and electric...
Deathmatch-level for DOOM II. 2 Players : HUNTING 3 Players : ACTION/HUNTING 4 Players : PURE ACTION ( GET THE BFG9000 (if you can reach it :-} )...