Control Station KGx/57 is the sister installation of Attack Station KGx/57.<br><br> CSKG_57B.WAD is the Single Player Version CSDM_57B.WAD is the...
A vanilla megawad for Doom 2 containing 32 short, chaotic and challenging maps. The wad's premise was to create at least one speedmap a day. Ther...
Small, 5 level mini wad I've been working on since late October of last year. Levels are short and action packed.
Tournament style Deathmatch level. Use it for competitions!!!
Well, this started out to just be a small DeathMatch wad, with a center area, and four off-shoots connected to each other through hallways... Aft...
This level was designed with single player in mind, but it has proven to be a decent deathmatch wad as well. It has mucho carnage even at "Hurt m...
of level................: THE BEST DOOM PWAD-LEVELS NEVER BUILT FOR THIS GAME. Description of author..: }:-), &:-), :-#, >:->, "O:-)".<br><br> My...
A medium sized map for your fragging fun.Additional Credits to Jacobs Coffee ;)
A good single-player level.