Deathmatch-only level. Good for one hour of killing. Be sure to use -altdeath instead of -deathmatch!
"You don't know what this place is for or why the sands of Egypt held it in secrecy for so long, you only know that this place raised out from th...
My best work ever, I'd have to say. I spent a good amount of time on lighting(or at least a lot of thought heh), architecture and *gasp* texture ...
12 levels from scratch or revamped from previous release
This was designed to be a difficult map. I got my inspiration for this map from maps 23-25 of Scythe2, the last episode of Scythe, The last 4 map...
A little map sets into a hidden mountain UAC base. Knewing how much you love to hate Wolf3d dudes in doom maps i'll modify them whit that blonde ...
weird and ugly '90s-style map
More of the map, but it's enough to show how the map is supposed to look.
A cool long level from map 29 of my Dsv wad. I decided to release this level as a solo level because it looks cool!
My first big map for Doom, made back then on the year 2010 for zdoom and released only on the hispanic forum Dise�o Doom, this version was modifi...
It's going to be one of those days. Once you get a chance to enjoy the hospitality of the welcoming commitee in this level, the warm receptions y...
Very non-linear map.
Super Mayhem 17 is a 28 map set based on using assets from the various classic mario games. Maps were designed in one month with time after for m...
A birthday speedmap for Pavera's 22nd birthday. For some reason I modelled it after Vrack, so I decided to name it Diet Vrack. Heh.