It's my second level. It's a small one very well designed and plenty of new ideas, as you'll se by yourself. I specialy made it for you : enjoy !
This level is meant to be a deathmatch level, but it can also be used as a "quickie" single player level. In single player mode, it is intended t...
Fred.wad (creatively named) is my first attempt. I think it's quite difficult. However the more macho doomers should be able to complete it witho...
This is my Freedoom map. I never had anything reviewed in the newstuff chronicles thingy on Doomworld, and I figure it'll be a while before Freed...
15 tested and finely tuned maps for duel. Uses stock Doom 2 textures for a clean old school style. Hard difficulty includes BFG.
Single-Level/Cooperative for Doom ][. You (and your team) lay siege upon a the evil teleport center and use the center to engage in different sce...
I describe this set of levels as very interesting. I have used as many traps as I could in this level.
32 DOOM2 formerly DM oriented levels converted to SP use by the addition of a most unwelcomed guest. Quite violent at times.