Two levels set in a nukage base. The idea was to make two small speedmaps using some Linkin Park MIDIs that we downloaded as the music. This is t...
32 maps by 32 different mappers. Each mapper also demoed their own map. Once a mapper submitted their map and demo, the map wasn't allowed to be ...
My first upload, and my first map that I felt is worth sharing. A blue-and-silverish kind of techbase. Criticism and comments would be appreciate...
Tic Tac Toe is a level consisting of an X and an O chamber, letters used in Tic Tac Toe. Music is "World Revolution" from a game, Chrono Trigger....
All 3 episodes of Doom 1 for Doom 2 !
Deathmatch-only level. Good for one hour of killing. Be sure to use -altdeath instead of -deathmatch!
12 levels from scratch or revamped from previous release
The Heretic Upstart Mapping project was made to get people into mapping for heretic. It includes many maps by people who had never mapped for her...
A little map sets into a hidden mountain UAC base. Knewing how much you love to hate Wolf3d dudes in doom maps i'll modify them whit that blonde ...
A cool long level from map 29 of my Dsv wad. I decided to release this level as a solo level because it looks cool!
My first big map for Doom, made back then on the year 2010 for zdoom and released only on the hispanic forum Dise�o Doom, this version was modifi...