Outside level with a small castle.. fun for deathmatchs and a sercet sniper stuff and a secret room FULL of stuff
Is just "Grosse" from Doom 2 in the style of "Fortress of Mistery" from Doom, inspired by Switcheroom project.
This is a skin based on the popular anime series "Inuyasha" (as if you couldn't tell im a big fan :P) PS: sorry its been so long to update, ive j...
Trailer - youtu.be/GPiNHeVwsKs<br><br> In early 2013, I watched a video of an obscure FPS game called "Exploding Lips", a game that pretty much m...
of files
22 maps made in the month of May, with an epilogue bolted on to stop the player going into the stock maps. The theme of this year's MAYhem was a ...
ICESKYUD.WAD replaces SKY1, SKY2, SKY3, & SKY4 with a view of Glacier Bay, Alaska. For you ULTIMATE DOOM newbies :-) this mean's it replaces the ...
Set the mood here.
THE SEQUEL TO WICKED.WAD! 2 levels - EPISODE 2 MISSIONS 1 and 2.<br><br> Contains properly aligned graphics this time.<br><br> Level 1 is a small...
Warning: If you have a history of seizures or can easily get them, then avoid this wad, otherwise have fun looking at the very fast randomness of...
This is my first .WAD that I actually completed from beginning to end. I have tried to make some other levels, but they all fell apart due to lac...
This is the ULTIMATE Christmas compilation - Use it to add a little holiday cheer to your favorite IWAD or PWAD! Please use the included doomxmas...
This is a first time try at building a level from scratch. It was mainly built for deathmatch play but found that it is great for a 1 player game...
This is a massive map, part of it is a demon university. There are also huge outside areas, even a chapel, with an archvile as the priest deliver...
In 2016 I decided to do a 20th anniversary rework of the original A1-SNiPE, for the sheer fun of it. SNiPE was started by Michael Davies, with th...
Short but sharp. Entering the nukage is fatal.
This level doesn't work as well as anything but the first level in an
The best weapons mod you'll ever see. Scroll down for more details.
30 Doomed Keens is a 1-level Boom compatible wad.
See what happened in little outpost