Are you prepared to find out what lurks in the cave? I thought so.<br><br> Jumping, crouching, and freelook are allowed.
Looking at my huge Doom folder i found lots of incomplete maps which never see the light of day, so i decide to keep up some of them and rearrang...
mini episode consisting of 6 maps of small-mid sized interconnected layouts and flooded with enemies.
A collection of 3 tiny files I've put together. Two of them are useful for having altered playstyles, the tactical chainsaw is just for the fun o...
Mint Chocolate Pie is a map that consists of brown, white, and green. That resembles a mint chocolate pie, which is why the map got that title. P...
DeathMatch level, players appear as Cyberdemons; just start CM.BAT and begin a network/modem/serial game without changing the Map Warp and Misc S...
The exit switch is in the Northeast, you press the Satyr switch (SW) on the Roundhouse to get to it. Pardon my cacodemon. :-)<br><br> There are c...
You find yourself on a mean space meteor deep canyon and have to crawl your way to the top to seek the red skull key - will you topple this pit o...
ACE-1 stands for 'Arrowhead Compilation Episode 1'. A collection of varied levels ranging from hell to techbase. This is a compilation, not a coh...
There are absolutely no creatures to kill in this level.
A replacement for Episode 1 of Ultimate Doom, it also contains 3 more levels, not connected to the main episode. Maps are pretty big, with high m...
This wad replaces the graphics of all the weapons (except for the pistol and chainsaw) with the strife weapons. (yes, punching is replaced) They ...
I created this level with the intention of it being an extremely fun Deathmatch level. There are many sniper towers, teleports, weapons, and plac...
It replaces all the cacodemon sprites with modifided ones to make them blue. I must say that the blue ones look cooler than the red ones.
Big hub based map for Doom 2, inspired by Plutonia, Alien Vendetta and Scythe 2. Probably one of my biggest maps yet, took me a while to finish a...
The Graytest DOOM missions EVER! Try them, there are NONE LIKE THEM ANYWHERE! Even the WIZARDS OF id themselves will be amazed!<br><br> [Please c...
This pack features flat versions of most of Doom / Doom 2 textures as well as texture versions of most of the flats. No new textures or flats.
Single deathmatch level designed for close quarters combat. Takes a little bit of brains but not for the mensa group. Take a stroll across the pi...
This WAD has either no theme, or many themes (I'm still trying to figure it out...) I just threw everything I could think of into this level. (Ki...
A total BLAST! Enter a huge room simply crammed full of monsters, kill, kill, kill, take a break, kill, kill, kill and wonder if it will ever end...
Are you a content creator who is fed up with Susan Wojcicki's lousy management of YouTube? I bring to you a new map based on that. It is titled "...