This is a wad designed for deathmatch 2 (-Altdeath)<br><br> direct conervsion of coloseum.wad for DOOM 1, with slight modifications for more enjo...
Deathmatch level
This level is a small DeathMatch castle in the sky. All weapons are available. Some windows for sniping.
My first map. An agonizingly difficult hell-revealed style level with some extra twists.
You begin on the marbled rooftop of an island fortress. Work your way down two terraced levels, battling all your favorite foes. Note: although t...
The set is a midevil castle, Your an interloper in this society. YOU don't belong! You were captured while slumbering from your long trek on your...
Clean those shotguns and grab your thinking caps DOOMers! Here's nine levels of hot and tasty DOOM II action. For an _extra_ challenge play each ...
A dungeon map with a strange layout. Skill 3 & 4 are linear while skill 2 (marked especially so you can immediately see there's an alternate game...
"Pesha" is a series of three limit-removing maps, each one made in a single sitting for the Stanimap- ping contest. Maps, while thematically conn...
Trigger-happy is a fast paced almost claustrofobic indoor map with abstract design and filled with nazis to kill. Dare yourself to escape this Ma...
The Story: You - a daring freelance dungeon delver - have been commissioned by the United Archaeological Commission to investigate unusual seismi...
DooM ][ level 1 Go to my homepage for screenshots at:
A fun little Deathmatch or Single player level for 1, 2 or 3 players. Plays great in single player, with all three keys necessary, but also kicks...
You have been teleported into the
Playable singleplayer, co-op or deathmatch. You plunge through the gate of blood. There is a wrenching sensation ....
Massive single player map.
Wait a minute. Just a minute ago you were battling the hordes of hell, and now, a step through a teleport later, you've found your- self in the 7...
This is my final wad, next might be a Quake level. This wad contains many aspects from other great DM wads. Enjoy...
Set in underground caves - this map uses Quake1 textures with a tech base theme with some temple thrown in. There is only one skill level as per ...
1 new level