There was hexen and hexen2, startrek and startrek the next generation, quake and quake2. What do they all have in common? The sequel was a hell o...
'Equinox' is a 13 level wad. I mainly did it for the new graphics, sound and music. Go nuts.
THis is ultimate doom wad, and it has 5th episode texture pack for doom 1 inside (cheers nightmare), it's a 2-map demo :) replaces two first maps...
3 out areas with halls to hide in
16 CTF maps for competitive and casual/fun play
Here's a 6/11/20 or 32-level Megawad for Doom2, I'm aiming for 32-maps though. These maps, ranging from small to large, hopefully combines good d...
You've crawled your way out of the depths with your bare hands. Bloodied and cut, shaken but alive. The super volcano erupting brought the forces...
Torture - : Destroy the beasts controlling an : underground dungeon; mutilate them as : they have been mutilating your comrades.