My very own futuristic status bar. Comes in 2 flavours: yellow digits (FRAGBAR1.WAD) (as seen in Fragport) and blue digits (FRAGBAR2.WAD) (as see...
This replaces the status bar face with the green fish that is common on the doomworld forums.
I stumbled upon this awesome set of Quake textures a few months ago, so I though I'd see how they looked in Doom. I then compiled and converted a...
LASSIK DOOM II is a single PWAD file that replaces the image of the guy at the bottom of the screen with the world renowned DOOM Master Lassik Bl...
zelstuff.wad A sword for the chainsaw, a sling for the pistol, magic hands for the shotgun(s), a comic weapon for the plasma gun, a boxing glove ...