A deathmatch level originally developed as the official arena for the 1st Italian Doom Championship (Urbino, September 11-25, 1994), sponsored by...
A tough basement, a fun maze, and a couple of teleports. Nothing too hard.
This is my first wad built with DEU and BSP It's not a huge wad but it has it's moments. When the IMPS start appearing start blasting.
The level is large with many falls, Skill and bravery is paramount to make it through to the finish.
Set the mood here.
Huge. Structured. Kinda cool. My best yet?
A medium sized level with lots of sargents, imps, a few demons, and a cacodemon or 2. All 3 keys will be needed. Plenty of ammo can be found, som...
Great dark tunnels with dark, dark, rooms to hide in. Deathmatch only.
Fourth in a series. You broke out of prison in "Prison Escape. You took out "The Star Chamber", The super secret organization That put you there....
My second attempet at making a Doom level from scratch. Large, Secrect areas. Some puzzles.