A silver spaceship with custom textures. Loosely based on Termination by mrthejoshmon. The second map in the wad is just a small "outro" level.
9 NEW Music for DOOM ][ :) I got tired of the SAME OLD music in DOOM ][ everytime I played, so I decided to put in some new music :-)
Just a set of music for your listening pleasure
So you like Doom and metal, right? You have come to the right place because what is to be heard is some super heavy, pulse pounding metal replace...
The marine is back to the New World. But now,
After submitting an awesome WAD to the idgames, my baby-mama got nothing but shit reviews and disrespect from the b-tards that roam the /idgames ...
Replaces most sounds for DOOM II (not just sounds common to DOOM I and DOOM II). I created two sound wads for myself but mixed them together (qui...
This WAD was created to prove that, the infamous wow.wad by Paul Thrussel is NOT the worst WAD ever made. I mean, at least Paul tried when he was...